Sunday, March 22, 2020

Miracles Can Happen

It is time to learn that Miracles do happen they did back when Jesus walked the Earth and they do today still. Why because God's promises are the same Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, This is written in the Book called the Bible for some have never heard of it. It is the one book you must go to when there are times of trouble but also times of rejoicing. Do you reflect on what has happen to you that is good and give God glory or do you just enjoy it and then another bad moment or incident happens and robs you of your joy? Well the secret is you have to stay consistent and even during those times of struggle or lost, not understanding why your going through what you are going through. Everything is not for us to understand. Trust he has your best interest at heart because he is love and his love formed everyone that walks this planet rather they want to admit it or not. 
It seems so many need prayers answers these days but are you really I mean really reaching out to God and ask him to help you during these times and just listen for his response, Yes I said Listen but not a voice you hear outloud but you will get clues and reminders of things and you know inside it is coming from somewhere well if your gut is bothering you or it won't leave your mind, it is God trying to tell you your answer. God will NEVER ask you to harm another person or hurt someones heart. He truly is about Love and we are to love one another as we love ourselves and if you can't love yourself, Well you should! He didn't mess up on you and in fact he made you perfectly for this life and whatever he has in store for you but we have free will and we can get off his plans if we are not listening and that always seems when disasters strikes. 
Miracles can happen if you open yourself up to God more and more 

If you read this far you are in need of a Miracle and it could be a big one or just a little one you need answer whatever it may be I know if you go to him by just speaking out loud in private the sound waves will release into the atmosphere and reach the heavens. It is music to Gods ears. Oh but some might say I am not worthy I feel awful of things I have done. Laugh at it really because that is the Devils lies to you and he is winning by beating you down, No matter what you did, If you ask God to forgive you, Considered it done. I know this because I am speaking from experience and I have felt ashamed at times but he reminds me even through my trials that he is with me and that if I am patient enough Miracles do happen. May this comfort you with whatever you are going through. 
Lord I lift whoever reads this up to you no matter the day or hour or Country that you show them you are hearing them to restore Faith this world so desperately needs. In Jesus name Amen.
-Bigg Faith

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