Sunday, June 14, 2020

Change Starts Within


Everything Begins within us, Peace, Joy, Prosperity, Freedom of Spirit.
Freedom begins when we stop looking outward and we begin to start looking within, Freedom begins when we start taking full responsibility for our own lives. 
This inner freedom grows within us, deepens our awareness of life, of the presence of God in us, around us, As we mediate , study , or reflect , the Divine qualities within us grow, and our spirit expands, We become wiser, and Free ...
Inner freedom takes greater courage, Freedom is our ability, our capacity, to mold ourselves. Soul level freedom is for a lifetime: To make the right daily decisions, To control our thoughts, To praise instead of criticize, to serve instead of be served to not be judgemental. 
Freedom also comes from not taking responsibility for things beyond our control- The mistakes ,The burden of being responsible for another's life, anothers errors, or another's salvation!
Our human judgement is faulty . We grow in freedom when we learn to reserve judgements about people, about life, about events. It takes a lot of years to develop, to learn, to grow in spirit, But the Christ within us all pulls us up, and lock to our Holy Father. 

-MiMi 1919-2007

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