Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Have you ever forgiven anyone in your past? Do you honor your Parents like the #tencommandments, Which is God's Law.

I Have had to learn to forgive many in my life-time and with that being spoken in another format instead of words heard, words read! Please if you ever felt like you could not forgive someone, I like you to read more then and learn from My father and I; Who continue to work on our relationship even from the next realm of Heaven for we are all in Heaven already like the Bible states (What we are looking for is already here), for it is scatter among us like Sunflowers in a field all pointing torge the sun in the end and where you find the beginning is where you find the end like a family tree there is a top and bottom yet each part of that tree is vital to surviving in the end.

Would a tree live if it lost a branch from time to time, Well of course it would! Yet it is the start of decay in a tiny format and once it is exposed to the outside atmosphere once protected by its neatly intact bark that slowly become unravel kinda like some of our families in these days we are living out and it is Revelations which merely means the revealing of truths! I like to call God's wisdom given to us like the beginning when God walked with his people and Enoch the only one who never died that was written and we go by what is written and Enoch was able to walk and talk with God by his faith and sometimes in history people of all 21 Human species that some had to die so they thought to have are sins forgiven yet if we really knew God we would know that our Father in Heaven ( as I wear the Daughters Hat), like kids in Heaven can change hats and play yet in this post I love to share a Parents Love even if estranged it can be repaired no matter which level of Heaven they are on for in the end how would your heaven be without making peace with your family member and the tree the knit to God's Coat of many colors will not have holes in it and how do we want our Creator to appear since we are a generation of many years that is concern with what we wear or appear to others yet How can we allow our Creator's Coat aka Soul , Spirit be filled with missing puzzle pieces within him as well as within our families of each branch aka tribe,.

I do know no one would love to sit there for days or hours putting a puzzle together and forever see a missing piece yet if we can look through our Parents eyes or this time God's eyes image years and I am talking many years , If you can add it up? If anyone truly can know how long earth has started living ......that God waited and waited for this time frame and how would we all look to God no matter the name you call him ..How would we look as a whole family that we have see through spots in the coat of many souls of our creator (yet he doesn't really wear us lol )It's what we see in the first realm that God allows us to see and also do not forget this : For what we do on earth we do in heaven or it should be what our twin flames (Our Spirit, Our Guardian Angels aka our Mirror Reflections within the living water H20 .

For what we did in heaven as Angels as Ourselves in Spirit by walking in Spirit and not flesh which holds the soul aka Our Guardian Angels are on the backside of us and reminder we have heaven already all around us which can be seen in the videos I post

I hear God and share the wisdom or revealings to help explain the importance of his past messages yet also our future messages for they do not stop just because one book was written just no one of Faith or the courage to continue on his words in next book for the first said no one should add or take away from the KJV it does not say not to start our Generations messages for many said they heard God's voice but with lack of faith or hope even love at times for the next generation that we did not think the messengers of our time was real yet in the beginning they believed enough to write and seal it just like many could predict few was noticed yet each was a vision given by God to that key that person to share with the rest. ....
Like our family trees a favorite dish past down by a previous branch to each member each limb of the family until that one member gets rid of it for a falling out or just lost it by mistake, That branch falls from the tree then, it is gone unless you rely on the ones still around to continue making it just like heaven and having faith to believe that we have a future and not to repeat history stories in the Bible but create our own with the people of the past yet if we do not forgive then our spot is open for grabs and boy we all know there are grabbers show free things its gone image your spot taken up so another dude you didn't forgive but he sought forgives now gets your place lol man God is amazing how he makes us forgive the one who hurt us yet if they don't seek it then it is their spot.
I know one thing like bounty picker upper a sturdy knitting to catch the spill from spreading but if you spill a drink it spreads quickly sometimes staining occurs and just like after eating Thanksgiving meal our jeans expand or our beer bellies expand or muffin tops speak to us to give room lol so will the souls of us once we cross over to be seen by others as we continue to journey with God.
Tree Branch Website another blog I gave instructions on making this cake
feel free to follow me on my other websites

We must remember all is replaceable but not when it is part of you!!!! and we are all part of God even that person that hurt you is part of God..
That old sweater sometimes is irreplaceable and so are you.
Try to understand why they did what they did to hurt you and pray for healing for your heart and theirs. We all matter to God but the big question is what does God mean to you ..enough to forgive your enemy but in same coat of God family ....Might be anther shade of the coat but still part of God's coat! How much do you love God how much can you carry a cross of things you don't care for if it pleases God your Creator?...So you can not have extra sexual partners to honor God or So what if you have to be honest all the time in the end was it worth it to hurt your Father God in Heaven aka ABBA for some really for all but another post another time. xoxoxox #heavenologistreport #heavenologistlesson #heavenologist #Heaven

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