Showing posts with label #christians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #christians. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Bigg Faith Sharing When You Worship Me In Video along with Plagues and Disasters in the News

Hi Everyone From Tennessee! Hope my readers are bless today and everyday! I am sharing a reading from The Jesus calling with my Readers around the world. I am just one small voice trying to bring an understanding about Jesus. Who is he ? Some have never heard his name before. We take for granted that everyone doesn't know him and  we need to find those people..Those souls and talk about him and not let what he did for all of us be forgotten. I know it is  not easy  to share about someone who you never truly met. I mean  you know Jesus because you feel him near you. That presence you can't put your finger on it because you don't want to be considered different. We are all different and we need more than ever to respect each other and pull more closer than apart with all the plagues as it is written in scripture is happening just look below to see for yourself.
Order your Cross with a Mustard Seed on it and when face remind yourself that you must carry Faith at all times in our Lord Jesus Christ. I will ship it to you and it is adjustable. Mustard Seed Cross

On 7-2-19

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Family Issues and Bigg Faith's Personal Message For Her Own, Sharing To Help Other Families

Dedicated To My Brother and Sisters May You Find Peace and Happiness Among Yourselves.
-Love Cookie
My Bigg Faith Viewers, Learn How To Worship and By Listening to My Story might help you with yours if you are distant from your family for whatever reason, The Devils job is to destroy all that God has made and including Family Ties, and if people can meet after 35 years from a DNA test and pick it from there, then there is still time if you knew your family and had issues and your heart misses them but your to proud or to angry to let go of the past, you are only hurting yourself and your love ones, Love never dies, People want to do the easy way and not share what hurts, them, have a truth table and share with no one getting upset or better yet stop texting and start writing how you feel, do it for yourself, do it for them, after all Jesus loves all of us and in the end you will have to face them face to face in spirit and do you want Jesus to have to show you all the pain that is caused by lack of action and love? He will reflect with us and it is better to be open about your faults, your fears , If you keep them in the Dark then they only trap you down and if you bring them to the light then you are free and you know Jesus is always with you and just talk to him no matter how crazy it may sound to non believers he will let you of his presence because your spirit will get chills and your flesh can not control your spirit. It will know he is with you in the unseen world. How close is it? You and I can not image what is waiting for us, Don't let the devils playground destroy your soul by holding in anger, resentment, depression, You are loved and you are never alone, Embrace Jesus and reach to him for wisdom on what to do or say to fix your family, He is the true counselor. He will push one of your souls to make the first move, Everyone needs to feel important and love. Sometimes we have to put down our needs and pick up our cross and help others then they will listen to your needs. We live in a Me Me Me world. There may be past pains you don't even know hurts your love ones. Talk it out, Pray it out. 
-Bigg Faith

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Cleansing Your Soul

Cleansing Your Soul

My video I made while cleaning the bathroom and while cleaning using it for a comparison to show you about Cleansing Your Soul

If you would like to donate to my page to help keep it going, Bigg Faith Appreciates it!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Jesus Wants You To Experience This....Plus How does Jesus Really See You

I Want YOU TO EXPERIENCE the riches of your salvation: the Joy of being loved constantly and perfectly. You make a practice of judging yourself, based on how you look or behave or feel, If you like what you see in the mirror, you feel a bit more worthy of My love.  When things are going smoothly and your performance seems adequate, you find it easier to believe you are My beloved child. When you feel discouraged,you tend to look inward so you can correct whatever is wrong. 
Instead of trying to "fix" yourself, fix your gaze on Me, the Lover of your soul. Rather than using your energy to judge yourself, redirect it to praising Me. Remember that I see you clothed in My righteousness, radiant in My perfect Love. 
Always really read and break down his words

Go To Your Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth =Bible
To These Books

Ephesians 2:7-8 Hebrews 3:1 Psalm 34:5
Above read can be found on this website Look For Jesus Calling By Sarah Evans a nice put together of Jesus words left for us and refer to the bible. 
Want to hear me read it while cooking Bigg Faith What Jesus Wants You To Experience
So True For Many

Selfie Mode By: Theresa Biggs 
My Reflection looking back at me though my Selfie Mode
Shows a Reflection that's not quite me, I see familiar eyes, chin and nose
What is this I see but, a glamours me looking back at me
I see a glow that the whole world will see, That is looking back at me
I see different filters of anything I want to be for the world to see 
looking back at me in Selfie Mode 
When the Stickers are off and no filters are on how is the world really looking at me
Is there a Selfie Mode for deep within so Others can see me for who I really am and not be accepted though Filters alone or is it... I who must accept that I can not live in Selfie Mode but love myself for me and not worry what the world see's 
without Selfie Mode

Created So Others know Their Self Worth!

Jesus Knows You Without Filters!

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