Showing posts with label Daily reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily reading. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2024

My Reflection Looking Back At Me

My Reflection Looking Back At Me


Like My Selfie Mode Poem

I see a reflection staring back at me.
one that I recognize ......
I see a reflection of a woman who no longer lives scared......
One reflection I never knew before....
I see a reflection with a glow.....
One I saw a few times before....
I see a reflection staring back at me that my eyes seem to have a sparkle to them...
Once I saw a reflection like that, but it wasn't mine it was just the diamond that only did it as I gazed at it when the question was spoken....
I see a reflection that I do recognize...It just shines so much brighter than I could ever realize.
The reflection I see is of my Inner Soul, that was always reflected from my eyes with a slight glow....
Once I decided the reflection in the mirror no longer look like me covered, and bruises seen and unseen.................................
I asked the Holy Spirit to remove my reflection from ever being seen again
Once I had asked. My veil was lifted, and I could truly see that the reflection had only reflected what I couldn't really see.........
That the reflection could be change... As quickly as you blink your eyes, if you just ask the Lord for protection from the reflection that was behind you all this time.....
Once you see a glimpse of who you were once before and the reflection of who you will be again 
is a reflection I don't mind seeing because the reflection has always been me... Some batter and bruised........ 
Once I only saw my reflection staring back at me no longer scared to see the man that stood behind me wondering even why I would ever leave.............. 
Once is enough of reflection of that kind.
I see a reflection with No man standing behind me as I brush my long hair these days but, a Man off to the side, Who let's me shine in my own reflection with no need to hover over my mine.....and that it is safe to be in a corner again.......
Once I realize that I had a Man of God in my life it came to be.... That My reflection was not only me but of Jesus who also resides in me.................................................................. 
I gaze into Jesus eyes as he lives in not only jut in me but in the Man, he brought too me........That had a reflection just like me.......

Bigg Faith Sharing Her Own Poem.....No One Should Ever Be Abused but If you are look deeper into your reflection and see you are not alone...The Lord Jesus resides in everyone but not everyone wipes their mirrors off to truly see that not one but two reflections are in one if you only had the eyes to see and the ears to hear then you will know you're not alone.....He will wash away all the smudge off your mirror so at last you can see your reflection as you been dreaming it to be..........

Domestic Violence Is Not Sexest

Does Not Matter How You See Your Reflection As Long as You Truly See It with Your Veil Off

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Bigg Faith Sharing When You Worship Me In Video along with Plagues and Disasters in the News

Hi Everyone From Tennessee! Hope my readers are bless today and everyday! I am sharing a reading from The Jesus calling with my Readers around the world. I am just one small voice trying to bring an understanding about Jesus. Who is he ? Some have never heard his name before. We take for granted that everyone doesn't know him and  we need to find those people..Those souls and talk about him and not let what he did for all of us be forgotten. I know it is  not easy  to share about someone who you never truly met. I mean  you know Jesus because you feel him near you. That presence you can't put your finger on it because you don't want to be considered different. We are all different and we need more than ever to respect each other and pull more closer than apart with all the plagues as it is written in scripture is happening just look below to see for yourself.
Order your Cross with a Mustard Seed on it and when face remind yourself that you must carry Faith at all times in our Lord Jesus Christ. I will ship it to you and it is adjustable. Mustard Seed Cross

On 7-2-19

Wednesday, May 8, 2019



Listen To The Daily Jesus Calling and Jesus's words on How to love one another because we need to start talking more about his love for us and others so such crimes start to cease, If more people felt the peace and love from him the less hate they will have in their souls. We all need to start sharing and we need to reach out to the children. Speak the truth to them, Other countries train  their kids in killing others but we are so focus on daily activities we don't slow down enough to teach them about Jesus the next generation that will need him more than ever.
Enjoy Video Bigg Faith Love Like Jesus

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Book Of Psalms and Today's Times With Bigg Faith

Image result for GODS PROMISESReading From The Book Of Psalms and God's Promises To Us

We must spend time learning about the Bible and The Truth 

We must learn to stop Hating one another 

We must Care for one another 

We must Help one another

We must Love one another 


We must have a Relationship 

With Jesus!

Watch Video below to Start Learning More About Him

We All Should Be Jesus Freaks!

Today's Times Won't Get Better 
We Go Back To Where We All Began
Knowing Jesus 
Our Souls Knew Jesus Before We Were Born 
For God Breath Life 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Family Issues and Bigg Faith's Personal Message For Her Own, Sharing To Help Other Families

Dedicated To My Brother and Sisters May You Find Peace and Happiness Among Yourselves.
-Love Cookie
My Bigg Faith Viewers, Learn How To Worship and By Listening to My Story might help you with yours if you are distant from your family for whatever reason, The Devils job is to destroy all that God has made and including Family Ties, and if people can meet after 35 years from a DNA test and pick it from there, then there is still time if you knew your family and had issues and your heart misses them but your to proud or to angry to let go of the past, you are only hurting yourself and your love ones, Love never dies, People want to do the easy way and not share what hurts, them, have a truth table and share with no one getting upset or better yet stop texting and start writing how you feel, do it for yourself, do it for them, after all Jesus loves all of us and in the end you will have to face them face to face in spirit and do you want Jesus to have to show you all the pain that is caused by lack of action and love? He will reflect with us and it is better to be open about your faults, your fears , If you keep them in the Dark then they only trap you down and if you bring them to the light then you are free and you know Jesus is always with you and just talk to him no matter how crazy it may sound to non believers he will let you of his presence because your spirit will get chills and your flesh can not control your spirit. It will know he is with you in the unseen world. How close is it? You and I can not image what is waiting for us, Don't let the devils playground destroy your soul by holding in anger, resentment, depression, You are loved and you are never alone, Embrace Jesus and reach to him for wisdom on what to do or say to fix your family, He is the true counselor. He will push one of your souls to make the first move, Everyone needs to feel important and love. Sometimes we have to put down our needs and pick up our cross and help others then they will listen to your needs. We live in a Me Me Me world. There may be past pains you don't even know hurts your love ones. Talk it out, Pray it out. 
-Bigg Faith

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Trust Instead of Worrying and Being Afraid!


Here is the reading with my video above with some worship music

GIVE YOURSELF FULLY to the adventure of today. Walk boldly along the path of Life, relying on your ever-present Companion. You have every reason to be confident because My Presence accompanies you all the days of your life--and onward into eternity.
Do not give in to fear or worry, those robbers of abundant living. Trust Me enough to face problems as they come, rather than trying to anticipate them. Fix your eyes on Me, the Author and Perfecter of your faith, and many difficulties on the road ahead will vanish before you reach them, Whenever you start to feel afraid, remember that I am holding you by your right hand, Nothing can separate you from My Presence!
-Bigg Faith
Love You All!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Cleansing Your Soul

Cleansing Your Soul

My video I made while cleaning the bathroom and while cleaning using it for a comparison to show you about Cleansing Your Soul

If you would like to donate to my page to help keep it going, Bigg Faith Appreciates it!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tiny Act Of Trust Begins....

Tiny Act Of Trust Begins.....

Really Read His Words To Us and I highlight to break it down to really see the words that are written from him to all of us. I listed my video to this below

LIVING IN DEPENDENCE ON Me is the way to enjoy abundant life. You are learning to appreciate tough times because they amplify your awareness of My Presence. Task that you used to dread are becoming rich opportunities to enjoy My closeness. When you feel tired, you remember that I am you Strength; you take pleasure in leaning on Me. I Am pleased by your tendency to turn to me more frequently, especially when you are alone. 
When you are with other people, you often lose sight of My Presence, You're fear of displeasing people puts you in bondage to them, and they become your primary focus, when you realize this has happened. Whisper my name: this tiny act of trust brings Me to the forefront of your consciousness, where I belong. As you bask in the blessing of My nearness, My life can flow through you to others. This abundant life!

Psalm 18:1-2; Proverbs 29-:25; John 10:10 NKJV
Please Like or Subscribe for upcoming Videos Bigg Faith Video
Trust In You Song , I suggest for you to turn up and listen and if you know the words have some worship time! Trust In You
and one More Big Sam! Big Sam Trust In You
I am Praying for everyone who comes across this post and by the Power of God he works wonders so just talk to Jesus tell him you want to know him if you don't he is right there waiting on you, if your scared to look foolish as I use to thinking others would judge me but I just don't care anymore and Love the Lord so get closer to him , start with a Whisper if it makes you feel better because remember from my other video and blogs that when you whisper his name soothe his ears, most of all never take his name out of vain and if you happen to get weak out of anger then whisper his name over and over !!! I do. 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Jesus is the Artist of Your Life, Today's Reading He Wants You To Know!

LET ME SHOW YOU My way for you this day. I guide you continually so you can relax and enjoy My Presence in the present. Living well is both a discipline and an art. Concentrate on staying close to Me, the divine Artist. Discipline your thought to trust Me as I work My ways in your life. Pray about everything;then leave outcomes up to Me. Do not fear My will, for through it I accomplish what is best for you.take a deep breath and dive into the depths of absolute trust in Me. Underneath are the everlasting arms!

Psalm 5:2 Isaiah 26:4 Amp;Deuteronomy 33;27

From The Jesus Calling Which Can Be Found On This Site

My Video of this reading:Bigg Faith's Video Message of Jesus Calling The Artist

Friday, November 23, 2018

Time with Jesus

Spending Time With Jesus

 Spending time with Jesus is so important and in today's world it seems so many of us take that time for granted, you may not take him for granted because, there is a difference. Time with Jesus is time alone or with someone and Jesus. There are no set rules going before him in spirit, Yes in spirit, The unseen that is were faith comes in. 
Can you image the Lord with you? If not then close your eyes and just image him standing before you and what is your heart feeling when you do this what is going through your head at this very time? Guilt? then release it because he already knows, fear then toss it to him , he is expecting it from you so he can release you from it. Let nothing have a hold on you and always feel free within your heart. Does not matter if you have a lot or nothing in this world, it is your relationship with him that keeps you going day by day of your life, From when you were a child to a grown up. Have you ever had issues in your life? Some have had great and some had few, but we all have had them and with those we become our great selves. He is the Teacher right? Do you not think he tries to teach all of us no matter of what we look like because inside we are all the same, if you have hate for others due to race, oh will meet him one day we all will. If you have cheated in private..oh matter if it is on a game or relationship or whatever you only cheated yourself from the gifts he wants to share with you. 

Can you correct of course, everything seems to have an eraser even pain you might have caused someone and yes we all have hurt someone with the knowledge of it or maybe not......How careful are we with our words? How often do you or do you hear others say the Lord's name in vain? Oh tell him your sorry....he is waiting. How you may ask by telling him Jesus look I am sorry for messing up and I need you in my life on a daily, Please show me what to do to honor you and forgive me of my sins ones I have done and ones I have not know about and the ones I might do and help me from doing them. Most important Lord I ask you to watch over all my family and friends and take care of them in what they might need help in today. I ask this in Jesus name Amen. That simple....See how he works in your life. I must warn you, I do believe everything has a warning and this does to. When you start to seek Jesus you will be attack in the spirit form by the Devil to tempt you in some way or to upset you and keep you from Jesus which leads you to Heaven. He does not want God to win your soul.

 Don't think for a second that we are not at war with the unseen. Please research yourself the facts. We spend time learning this and that but the Bible is the the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth but yet how many know that those letters mean that? If overwhelm with reading then jump around and right the dates in the bible and when you look back you will see it was your study guide all along and you read so much and maybe a time or two! high light and why not take turns reading it and writing who read which part for memories and then past it on for years to come. The Lord blesses those that don't seem to deserve it at times but only because He loves them also and is waiting for them to turn from sin and that someone in their life-line prayed for the future generations. .....but those prayers may help them now but in the end it will not. So take time today and pray and you will bless your future generations to come. Look at the world and all the disasters and read the book of Revelations. When is the right time to start spending time with him. ......right now........

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
Highlight & Write
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