Showing posts with label #titanic #deletedsceen #heavenologistreport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #titanic #deletedsceen #heavenologistreport. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Titanic With Heaven Realms

Have you ever wondered what happened to the Gem that her heart she let go into the deep blue ocean? Imagine Heavens realms as they embraced the one of a kind gem and all the energy surrounding it, Now imagine your the Gem but don't really dive in the Ocean because of the Whales will have to much fun with you and we don't want to loose you on this side of the realms of Heaven but Heaven is all around us and inside each of us. 

As we float through life just as the clouds have never really feeling as if we are noticed yet in the midst of the drifting into the Sea of life , you will find yourself in the midst of God the Holy Spirit that made all of us and I am here to not claim these images but to share even with the artist who took them and was in them the true beauty that at the current time was not able to be seen. 

The currents of life can be rough and the waves might feel so tall when you are against them yet if you allow your body to flow through the currents of life then less energy is used and the fall isn't as hard for in the midst of currents the waves of God his energy surrounds each of us in the midst of the Oceans.

Take a few minutes and review these photos and sink into heavens realms and with God's magic what you see may not be what others see so always give God and Jesus the Son of God now King Jesus give the glory as we are blessed to see the Sea of many on both realms and give a Hello in your heart to the actors in the scene for one day they will know your heart before all. 
Now only correction God shares if you now know not to ever say Holy anything after it other than Spirit or Ghost for He is the one who made all. Book of Thomas all will be forgiven for taking the Son's or the Father's name yet Holy one be wise yet he also taught us blessed our the poor in what the poor in knowledge who did not realize the mistake but repent and rejoice as they did in this deleted scene!
Watch this clip if you ever thought those stinking thinking thoughts you would dive or fall in then here lets curve that itch by watching this scene and realizing how scared you would be !
Attention for this Special Edition of Heaven's Realms, That I would like to share the Legal part of this Blog and that is God is revealing with My gift given to me to teach others that He can be seen as much as all the dearly departed on the other flip side of Heaven and that this is intended for Educational Purposes only and for Faith as well as the first job any of us on earth have to do and in Heaven is that we Honor the Father the Alpha and Omega with his beautiful images he shares through me and through like the movies "Pixels"; HOW GREAT THOU ART for he used not just Artist and Writers but even the supporting behind the scenes writers or logos even outfits when it comes to setting up everything just right or in the next movie the audience will say "did you see the blooper" Life has moments of bloopers yet we live through each of them including but not limited to any kind of mistakes or mishaps even events that feel like we died but did not die in the Book of Thomas , I often refer to as well as that post is listed under this website as well. 
We are to share God for anything left in the dark only grows in the darkness of a matter that is the same as itself! Yet if we shine our inner light that just maybe that plant that tree that being God made might want to come up just a cm more to witness why such a bright light is near and where does it come from and the energy the light becomes strong just like charging up with the Solar Panel to have light we Recharge with one another around us and when no one is there to lift your light waves up then always call on God and sometimes you do not know what to say so just think the name "Jesus" and watch for battery drainers of your light , the people who don't care for your light but want to watch and soak it in ...Well Jesus always said if they take it , let them have it and knowing this he refuels are faith the beautiful spirit of God in all matters of your heart ..
All you need is the faith of the size of this .   
(.) 2024 Faith the size of a Period! A Mustard Seed Parable Revisen! 

Fair use is a legal doctrine in the United States that allows limited use of copyrighted material without the copyright holder's permission. It's based on the idea of balancing the rights of the copyright holder with the rights of the public. 
To determine if a use is fair, you can apply a four-factor analysis: 
  • Commercial or non-commercial: Whether the use is commercial or non-commercial 
  • Transformative: Whether the use is for a purpose different than the original work 
  • Educational: Whether the use is for educational purposes (For God's Use through my works for him this applies

Images From This Video and I Read them in Heaven Realms

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