Showing posts with label baptized. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baptized. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Being Baptized At Home By A Love One In A Moment Of Dire Need

Hi everyone, I am sharing how to Baptize at home so you can help a Loved one who is Bedridden or Quarantine in their homes due to the Coronavirus or Covid 19 as some may know of it. I want to help save as many Souls for Jesus as for some, Time is running out. All of our mission on Earth is to educate one another on Jesus and your Soul and where it will go once passed on. Please don't take this lightly for it is a Matter of life and Death of one's soul. We all worry about the physical being and if we get a cut or scratch but what if we get a cut or scratch or better yet a bruise that pains our hearts but yet we cover it up not thinking it can affect us if we push all those things out of our thoughts but truth is we must confront our mistakes and pains others have caused us and it is a time and reflection period for the whole world!!! to take this time out and use it for Healing and Forgiveness and most importantly getting right with the Lord for the time is near for some and one day each of us will be called up either all together as some know it as the Rapture and for others by just the cycle of life. Either way stop worrying about Stock markets and Paychecks and Start Praying if ever a time, it is now. Invest in Eternity. 
You can baptize one another if only your heart is truly in it. I was told this by My brother Bob who study the Bible and Must be a follower of Jesus to do the baptizing besides why would you want a non-Believer to do this? Get in your Prayer Closet and Love to all Bigg Faith aka Heavenologist on Instagram! 

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