Showing posts with label listening to god. Show all posts
Showing posts with label listening to god. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How To Hear From God

How you ever wanted to hear God and/or You think you do but to scare or doubtful to believe you did? Well I can relate and I have my experience of hearing him and it is our job to share our experiences so others will know how to hear from him and if you do sometimes it can seem insane in what he will ask you to do. I do know by doing what he ask of you , you will always get the answer from him and maybe learn as well by helping others in this world is his number reason he speaks to us so we can bring many to him so they to can understand and why it is so important to. 
Dedicated to Sam a young mother and to her family for they are grieving her lost. Oh though the world did not know her , Her words I will share and Maybe together we can bring others closer to Christ. Here is the message God gave me to give to her and as you listen to it know he loves each and everyone of us the same. No one is perfect but you must have love for him as well because God is Love and Love is God.  He is father to all, as a father teaches you right from wrong for your safety on earth so does God your father in heaven to teach you right from wrong the big wide path to the narrow path ...Which is the one you should take because in the end it will lead to bigger pastures. if you know the song sing along, don't worry about not sounding good, as you can tell I can not but I worship him with all I have and do not worry of others. Lets celebrate a life even if you do not know her but lets share this message so others may here of him. 

You must pray with belief 

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