Showing posts with label floods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label floods. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Jesus Loves All Stop Hating Focus On Why We Are Having Tornados, Floods, Earthquakes and Hate!

With all this hate going on in the world it is time to spread some Love!

When others think God hates them including the photo below, you know that if you just ask Jesus and say his name he will be there because he is still with you until your last breath waiting for you to speak with him. You may not think so but it is so! 
I am a sinner because the flesh is hard to control at times and I will never be perfect as hard as I try and I might even commit sins I am unaware of because no one knows the whole truth but Jesus and he knows my heart these days and he knows when I took his name in vain how sorry I was and because he lives in all of us waiting...He felt my tears when I apologize to him and you can do the same. Do you find yourself with anger? Do you hate others? You must let go of all that and ask Jesus to show you the truth before it is to late. Do believe in other Gods and think Jesus won't befriend you and teach you the truth or are just scared to really hear the truth...don't be, because the truth will set your soul free. I have my video on here and also Pastor Paul Begley with The news. Please watch so your eyes may be open you can have eyes that do see and ears that do hear. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

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