Showing posts with label lonely. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lonely. Show all posts

Sunday, March 22, 2020

When You Feel Alone

 Your Never Alone .............

When your feeling alone in Today's world know that you are never alone and if you pay close attention you will be shown little signs that will remind you of actually just that!
Let me share a story once that I have on my Channel a time or two because it was such a Big impact in my life. I went through a time I needed to make an important decision and I wasn't sure on how I was going to face these problems and alone. Now I went to bed and had a dream that God held my wrist and knowing I was afraid of heights he had me fly with Angels in all Beautiful color dresses and I couldn't see God himself but You know when you know it is God in your dreams! He ask me to trust him with what I was going through. Then I woke up. Now being young and dumb to not knowing the importance of this dream I do know I failed him in this area but as he does he Forgives us and understands us. Best part God knows the future so he knew I would still fail him but in the same sense it planted a seed in my life to reflect on to share with others my story so you don't miss this chance he may give to you. 
There was another time I was so scared to share a secret but with a push from my Guardian Angel and when I say push I mean actually that I was pushed from behind but with the serious of the issue I knew they wanted me to be release from the prison I put on myself so with that push the words came out and the healing began and this time I listen!
So know your never alone and don't be scared by it but embrace it and enjoy the protection they provide for you. These days we need all the protection we can receive from the spiritual realm. 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Hard to believe in Jesus?

 Jesus left behind scriptures with his followers so we may know of him
 Jesus can be seen in others but not just a look alike but by actions 
 What would you do if you saw Jesus today? Would you know him?
 Jesus does show signs in today's wold but just not shared on news and blocked by Chem Trails
Is it so hard to believe that someone one loved you enough to come into this world as flesh and be killed for All our sins, because no one is perfect. Research about him to learn the truth, He is coming back one day, Just like a parent tells a child I will be back after work, Well Jesus is a carpenter and he is building us a place for eternal life, What happens if you don't at least try to learn about him and make him your savior will there a vacant sign put on the room he is putting together for you. Read Revelations, Check out Youtube channels teach yourself, because all churches do not speak of his return. Why is that? My friend, research so much you will be blown away what is shared with you and what is not ...I feel since most of the great books were taken out of the bible how do we know the whole truth, Why take them out unless something to hide, Book of Enoch, Book of Wisdom is not in a regular bible. Sharing this in hopes of saving more souls, because we are all connected and if you feel like your missing something, its all of us together with Jesus, Only then will we feel whole, Until then We must bring each other to know of Jesus Christ. I am far from perfect, but when my days are hard, I turn to him, sometimes out of stress and he shows me he is near each and every time, What do you say to him, Hi Jesus its me (Your Name) I am knew at this and I just want you to know I want to know you and have a relationship with you and to please show me you are with me and come into my heart and make you my Lord and Savior. No one can deny of him NO ONE, a simple whisper of his name is prayer enough to him. With world disasters everywhere ...Birthing pains, found in Revelation which just break it down and study what he is trying to teach you in the Bible, your Basic Instructions, Before , Leaving, Earth so why are we not teaching from it in schools?.....Look at the example of below of the hidden messages he leaves for us, study it.

-Bigg Faith

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