Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Nostradamus or Revelations Predictions..... Which One Do You Tend To Believe First?

  The Great Nostradamus is Known For His Predictions,Yet Some Don't Want To Believe Peter or Any Other Book In The Bible ......Revelations is Much Like Nostradamus But It Is Angles Future Stories Told To Profits....Which Will Come....

Are You Ready?

Do The Research, it is important for your future and not the one on Earth...Not your retirement invest in but your eternal life, it cost nothing but time....

Free Books I Found For You

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Jesus Loves All Stop Hating Focus On Why We Are Having Tornados, Floods, Earthquakes and Hate!

With all this hate going on in the world it is time to spread some Love!

When others think God hates them including the photo below, you know that if you just ask Jesus and say his name he will be there because he is still with you until your last breath waiting for you to speak with him. You may not think so but it is so! 
I am a sinner because the flesh is hard to control at times and I will never be perfect as hard as I try and I might even commit sins I am unaware of because no one knows the whole truth but Jesus and he knows my heart these days and he knows when I took his name in vain how sorry I was and because he lives in all of us waiting...He felt my tears when I apologize to him and you can do the same. Do you find yourself with anger? Do you hate others? You must let go of all that and ask Jesus to show you the truth before it is to late. Do believe in other Gods and think Jesus won't befriend you and teach you the truth or are just scared to really hear the truth...don't be, because the truth will set your soul free. I have my video on here and also Pastor Paul Begley with The news. Please watch so your eyes may be open you can have eyes that do see and ears that do hear. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Learning Forgiveness for someone behind bars or if your behind bars and can read this....

I am sharing my first video ever made sharing my father's letters in hopes it will help someone who has become a victim of crime in any way shape or form, The pain we all face during trials is no greater than the next each of us have storms we must face and it is during those storms that you keep your faith because right when the storm is the strongest is when it will be almost over and the peace will come back if you allow it to and I say this because sometimes it takes forever to regain that peace we need to try to become normal but what is normal?
Why am I sharing this because in the bible we are to forgive one another no matter what they did to us. Yes I know it can be hard but for your soul it must be done.
If you are the person who hurt someone in anyway or if you are behind bars, start praying first to be forgiven and ask Jesus to forgive you and don't loose hope and don't hate yourself but learn from the mistake you made and if you need some type of help be strong by asking for help and reach out to someone, your time is now to repent. We might just be the generation in the end times if you really watch the news and educate yourself on everything is going on and read the book of Revelations. Compare it with the news. You will soon come to see that anyone with hate can not enter the gates of heaven and you must forgive or when your face to face with Jesus will he forgive you for the sins you might not even had know you committed on earth due to the lack of knowledge so many have in today's times of what is to come by his promises. Please like this video for it does help get it out there to let others view and we are truly living in the times we need to forgive and if committing crimes STOP NOW AND REPENT for your reading this by no accident.

My Video of My father's Letters

 So True 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019



Listen To The Daily Jesus Calling and Jesus's words on How to love one another because we need to start talking more about his love for us and others so such crimes start to cease, If more people felt the peace and love from him the less hate they will have in their souls. We all need to start sharing and we need to reach out to the children. Speak the truth to them, Other countries train  their kids in killing others but we are so focus on daily activities we don't slow down enough to teach them about Jesus the next generation that will need him more than ever.
Enjoy Video Bigg Faith Love Like Jesus

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Image result for churches being bombed



Image result for churches being bombed
Image result for churches being bombed

Book Of Psalms and Today's Times With Bigg Faith

Image result for GODS PROMISESReading From The Book Of Psalms and God's Promises To Us

We must spend time learning about the Bible and The Truth 

We must learn to stop Hating one another 

We must Care for one another 

We must Help one another

We must Love one another 


We must have a Relationship 

With Jesus!

Watch Video below to Start Learning More About Him

We All Should Be Jesus Freaks!

Today's Times Won't Get Better 
We Go Back To Where We All Began
Knowing Jesus 
Our Souls Knew Jesus Before We Were Born 
For God Breath Life 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Family Issues and Bigg Faith's Personal Message For Her Own, Sharing To Help Other Families

Dedicated To My Brother and Sisters May You Find Peace and Happiness Among Yourselves.
-Love Cookie
My Bigg Faith Viewers, Learn How To Worship and By Listening to My Story might help you with yours if you are distant from your family for whatever reason, The Devils job is to destroy all that God has made and including Family Ties, and if people can meet after 35 years from a DNA test and pick it from there, then there is still time if you knew your family and had issues and your heart misses them but your to proud or to angry to let go of the past, you are only hurting yourself and your love ones, Love never dies, People want to do the easy way and not share what hurts, them, have a truth table and share with no one getting upset or better yet stop texting and start writing how you feel, do it for yourself, do it for them, after all Jesus loves all of us and in the end you will have to face them face to face in spirit and do you want Jesus to have to show you all the pain that is caused by lack of action and love? He will reflect with us and it is better to be open about your faults, your fears , If you keep them in the Dark then they only trap you down and if you bring them to the light then you are free and you know Jesus is always with you and just talk to him no matter how crazy it may sound to non believers he will let you of his presence because your spirit will get chills and your flesh can not control your spirit. It will know he is with you in the unseen world. How close is it? You and I can not image what is waiting for us, Don't let the devils playground destroy your soul by holding in anger, resentment, depression, You are loved and you are never alone, Embrace Jesus and reach to him for wisdom on what to do or say to fix your family, He is the true counselor. He will push one of your souls to make the first move, Everyone needs to feel important and love. Sometimes we have to put down our needs and pick up our cross and help others then they will listen to your needs. We live in a Me Me Me world. There may be past pains you don't even know hurts your love ones. Talk it out, Pray it out. 
-Bigg Faith

Friday, January 25, 2019

Bigg Faith In Today's Times "Break Down The Wall Of Lies"

Who is tired of all the negative news on television and all the heartbreak around the globe? I know as Bigg Faith I am! I still have to try to keep focus as we all do on the Lord and nothing more or less, because he will provide all, as I write sharing the word, I am by no better off than the ones who are on Government shutdown due to in between classes to teach others a great career that my body has failed me on, so I heard the lord say to me one day if you keep doing what you been doing you only get the same results, and that is exactly why I am writing and sharing all my personal trials with complete strangers, a person once completely private and putting it all out there because we are here to build each other up not tear each other down, This morning my husband and I were talking about how back in the day others would help each other even if they had to ride a horse for days, They made their way to someone, because we need each other in this world, and life is just hard and will have trials but it is those trials you grow closer with the lord, and feel his love through others, and sometimes we all fail for whatever reason, and not even knowing it at times we failed someone that needed us and we had a chance to make a difference, I know first hand I have failed others, but I also know I try to correct my wrongs and make this world a better place. Raised by many but Jesus has taught me everything that is of importance in this world and love is the one thing he wants You and me to know that he loves us and we are not ever going to be perfect, we just can't be, Read the scriptures, God is perfect, we are washed away our sins when baptised not just for show but once dipped you are raised up in the spirit living in you, but he has been all along just waiting for the showing to the world, that you want him in your life, and miracles will happen not as often as we want but enough to know he is there and your never alone, did you know that because we have two angels behind us at all times fighting for us and we all forget if not even know that they are there for us, and if your a government worker struggling right now, it does no good when you hear our hearts go out for you but all some of us can do is pray that soon it will be over and your life can start to be a little normal but with others not understanding that when you live check to check and then you have to get a loan that it is hard to pay it back and maybe don't even plan on it and file ch. 13 which is going to hurt the government in some way but we need that wall right? Did God plan for us to have a wall from each other?  People are suffering all over , not just Americans we are just starting to see a bigger problem with our issues and not just the bigger picture but all over, we try to help other countries or we put our noses in other people business both in Government or in personnel matters and that always turns out ugly, Oh Lord is telling me to say this is not what his father has intended and no christian should agree with this including myself because it sounded like it was a good idea but in my gut it sounded wrong and we keep watching the news but when do we stop be followers of what we are being told and listen to your Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!!!!The bible is your news, your love letters, your songs, your cries all inside of it, yes it is overwhelming and confusing but break it down. Breakdown the wall of Lies, We can fix this big mess if everyone look at each other with love and see we are no better than the next no matter what are title is. Tired of Hate, Tired of Lies, Tired of Truth being to crazy to tell but when we all are face to face with JESUS what are you going to say to him what will he say to you have you thought about it????? Admit now your faults, Its hard I get it , I made horrible mistakes that I share and will continue to share but I am forgiven and no one else's opinion matters but the person I can keep from making the same mistakes so I can help them fight in the spiritual world that is real and we are always under attack why do you think your having a great day and BAM all of sudden the mood changes with someone in your world and changes the day or something bad happens and your fighting to do good even if your family is starving as some government workers are doing, and what about the ones who are accused and serving time behind bars, they are souls also no better than some of theses dentist I have met in my life and I am over not sharing how bad I have seen things in my life but to prove a point that now these men and woman who are someones sons and daughters and more living in a cell who the workers are not getting paid and the tensions are rising and the prisons are not getting paid, What will happen will they starve them or let them all out and so then what good is the wall and it can go on on where does this end. Well Jesus saids with love, The president is in his way showing love for this country for the people in it but that tough love is hurting the very people he does care about but he is not alone it each and every person who votes against it, so where is the love , we need to pray for each person in the white house that controls are lives with votes, what will they say to Jesus? He is the President of all he is our everything and these people including Trump and he to  know of Jesus and have their relationship with him ....but just like myself with my mistakes maybe not effected an entire nation but I had to realize what Jesus wanted and what our father in heaven wanted not worry about the evil actions by others which is caused from the spiritual world but lets pray for their angels to guide them in the right decision lets just pray and love each other and yes once you read the bible and you truly take to heart and see your wrongs because we are have done wrong accept it and try not to live that way but you will fail and you will be attack at times or feels as if you are , only God knows why everything happens and sometimes during those times we grow nearer to him and that's fine but when things are good and they will be again one day , storms don't last forever and this will past but it is during this time how you deal with and the faith you carry is extremely important not just to Jesus but your well being. You may have nothing to your name but have peace and that is Jesus and people don't understand some of us with that peace and why we dance and praise his name because no matter if its rape, abortions, divorce, anger, stealing, doubt , lust, sex, sex, sex does not matter he will deliver it from you and give you peace and fill that empty void that is in your heart. each other , if you have extra ask your neighbor if they are ok, Give to a stranger instead sometimes, out of the blue, I once with little money in my own pocket went to a couple in a car in a mcdonald's drive through gave them 20 bucks because jesus told me to and as I approach the care I saw the young girl gathering coins for her man and all I said was Jesus ask me to give this to you and I didn't share it with no one for a long time because I kept hearing his voice saying its not time, until my son shared he was embarrassed to tell us he gave away something and then I heard him say share your story as he is telling me this now, and like I said I had little myself but they had less and I still made it and I am making it today, you can have such peace if you take all this time you spend with unimportant things are a daily and use a few minutes starting out reading the bible looking up youtube videos which I share many good preachers who explain so much that is going on in today's time on my channel, I am just a stranger trying to share that all this can be fixed with love and truth and Jesus most of all. Let it rain, Open the flood gates of heaven as that song I hear in church, We so need it to rain,Here is some songs and a pastor that I am sharing Song Let It Rain Song Now I know Song Trust In You listen to the words before just viewing with your eyes but the words of these songs, sing to him and give him praise.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Is The Earth Having Birthing Pains?

Dangerous heat expected and News issue a heat advisory for over 48 Million people. California has parts on fire from the heat. Earthquakes all over the world happening. Even where I live in Tennessee. Many people homeless from these events taking place. Image having your own home and business that is a blessing to have these days and to loose all of it so fast that you work hard for and that is not the only thing but Love ones missing or gone. How can people make these days without having Big Faith? That Jesus is there for each of us and sometimes we need reminded of him because we get caught up in our own worlds but the world as a whole is in such birthing pains right now. Volcanoes erupting and some getting more active. in Revelation 12:12 it speaks of the woman having birthing pains  and the 7 trumpets that sound all leading up to today's world events , Open up the good book and start with Revelation and break it down. Research it online ...
  • Trumpet 1-Fired on Earth
  • Second Trumpet-The Angel blew his trumpet and something like a great mountain ablaze with fire was hurled into the Sea
  • The Third angel blew his trumpet and a great start blazing like a torch fell from heaven .........Name is Wormwood and a third of the people died. 
  • The fourth angel blew his trumpet and a third of the sun was struck , a third of the moon and a third of the stars so that a third of them were darkened. 
  • The Fifth Trump and so on , I won't put it all up on here it is your study book also look it up. 
None of us know what to expect but are you prepared for the coming of the Lord if he was to show up ?? We are all sinners but have you ask him to come into your heart and become your Lord and Savior? List Prayers if needing some today. Just because, some of us believe the time is soon near that does not mean stop living as if there is no tomorrow because then we are living as if we have no faith and in today's times we must have Bigg Faith! Love you all 

Monday, July 30, 2018

In Today's time we need to have Bigg Faith

Hi Everyone , My name is Theresa and I have finally realized what I was called to do and that is to simply help others through my journey in this life, I don't have all the answers by no means and in fact I am a little nervous as I try to figure out how to Blog lol, I would appreciate any comments if I am not doing this correctly, but getting back to the Post title In Today's time we need to have Bigg Faith just like the mustard seed in the bible was the smallest seed but it grew the biggest tree so can we, I , everyone plant more seeds of joy and try to bring a revival back to what the Lord wants us ALL to do and that is to Love one another with unconditional love, We all go through seasons in this life we live where sometimes it's great and sometimes it's just hard. What I have learn since a young girl is that there was only one with me during my trials of being molested at a young age, losing my mother to cancer, having not one but many bad marriages until I learn the correct way of finding Mr. Right. .... Ask God that simple .... Abba will bring the right one along when the timing is right. I was too busy trying to help others in relationships when really this right here , right now , is what I was supposed to do and just share my trials and in return maybe help someone who is going through the pain of this life we live, I look around and no one smiles as much anymore to others , we are too scared to, We shouldn't be scare if God wants us here on earth then he won't call us home so how can we go wrong with just showing each other kindness, for example at the store and few things in someone else's hands and your cart is full , let them go first, or all this road rage is crazy or politics wanting others to hate others, that is not what this earth was created from and we are from the earth , dust to dust right , God made us out of Love Pure Love he is EVERYONE'S  father , abba, just pick up the bible and start reading it, I always wanted to read it from front to back but I got overwhelm with it ,,,
 Ya overwhelms with God's word, but I decided I would right date of random pages I read and one day, I realize after looking back I read much of the bible which means B-Before I-Instructions B-Before L-Leaving E- Earth, so why don't we have this in the schools anymore?
I feel there are so many others out there who just hold it all in, can't share with no one? Don't have no one? I would love to make this a blog to where if you're having a day that we can reach out. I have heard on FB some would say I have more friends on FB than in real life minus a few negative words and that is said but I truly understand that because people hurt others and in today's time no one remembers about forgiveness. HOW CAN WE EVER EXPECT TO BE FORGIVEN FOR OUR WRONGS IF WE NEVER FORGIVE? Can people heal from being molested, being a foster kid, loosing family, being hit by trusted ones, maybe being robbed, loss of just belongings and starting over (specially with all the disasters going on), Yes you can get through any of these and everything else not listed because the list is to long these days. ...We have to get it together and soon, If your reading this and you're not feeling like a good person ...just know God knew everything before you decided to do it and he gave us free will but we can be honest to him and he will still love you but you must ask forgiveness and not just from him , anyone who has hurt someone but you still miss them , write them, not text or call but express how you feel on tangible paper put little effort into saying you're sorry and if you don't get the response you expected keep praying for them and see how the Lord works.
I hope after you read this you spend a few minutes alone with God just a few no sounds just you and God and ask anything of your heavenly father because Abba=father loves you and he wants you and needs you to know this. All you really need in this world is Love and fills you up , can feel as if you can do anything from love , Show God you love him don't take his love for granted even if its unconditional love because look around ......We are lacking love in so many things the world seems to be having birthing pains and if you don't know what that is read Revelations and don't forget to mark your date in your bible and for those that don't know where it is at in the bible , it is in the back of the book the last book of the bible and speaking of that books where taken out of the bible look it up on YouTube missing books of the bible my favorite is Enoch the only living being to walk beside God and leave but who knows this unless we talk about it and that is what we are about to journey on life, bible, Love so if you're hurting right now ...Love yourself for He lives in you and he made you perfect, If life is good right now then give him praise even through the storm because he will show you his will. Trust me I have had enough trials in this life to know he is there. I know everyone won't agree with my words but that's it they are my words seeds that I am planting who else wants to plant seeds for the Lord show him by showing love to others even in the darkness he is with us don't let the spiritual world bring you down and remember in today's time we have to have Bigg Faith! I love you all because if he lives in me and you, we are all connected and how can we not love one another after knowing that? We are not perfect, we all have vices, we all need love.... let's start a revival him the Lord. I end with a pray for you all, Lord Please anyone who reads this please let them know your there for them through their storm, Let them know that this to should past and that there are only bad moment in a day and that we can take back our joy through you and be healed by you in anyway shape or form that they need at this time, Please give them the wisdom that need in any area of their life.  I ask this in Jesus's name and through your blood you shed for us. Amen

Bigg Faith in today's time


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