Showing posts with label teams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teams. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Super Bowl Playoffs

Update 9/7/22 Since My great awakening and now being able to see the unseen realms which God has given me to share with others and with messages that can be proven by the Bible.

Images under Instagram
 Heavenologist Instagram 

The difference between the image of the Pathway above and the one with vibrant red and white colors that does not even appear of the colors we use on Earth is because, it is showing Heaven and Hell though my medium gifts given by the father!
If you look at the red area you will see Satan and in the cloud of white, you will see a face and that is the face of the Lord and blending in with the hair coming from the flames. 
Makes sense since the Bible states there was 2 in the flames, and one was trying to save you, but the truth of the matter is that on the day of the cross everyone was forgiving including the fallen angel and there are worst crimes happening to one another in today's times than ever before. 
Some might argue this but since I have real images from Heaven & Hell and with-in those images are messages for me to read and to share with others what I have heard in prayer.

See Proof! Scripture coming to past!

The Big Question
If God is for you then who can be against you! Which in this statement as you see Jesus VS |Satan is it really or is it what is written in the Bible God knew everything we would set out in life to do or not do but with this gave us free will! So, when we are tempted are you sure it is not like a test as a teacher gives to see if you follow the Bible which each letter of the word Bible comes out to:

B Basic
         I Instructions
   B Before 
    L Leaving 
E Earth

What Team Do You Want to Be On?

The Devil is part of history he is a fallen angel and If you don't know this Jesus is real and it is like two sport teams in the Superbowl right now and the playoffs are going on where the only best is being picked to play the game but truth be told there is a spiritual game going on between Heaven and Hell and Jesus is the Recruiter of Heaven and Lucifer is the Recruiter of Hell for the playoffs and the final outcome will be who will win enough souls at the Super-Portal of hell or Heaven each have an Entrance Gates with many in the stands, waiting and some definitively are screaming but not to cheer you on but on Heavens side you will hear The Marching Band Playing and with Angel Voices singing Glory to God in the Highest and peace to the people on earth. We all need some peace these days. What team will you be drafted for and what is your contract worth!
As a Sin offering God the Father gave up his son for all our Sins and Jesus died for all of us but key phase is sin offering and only God knows all the Spirit of God all 3 separate but all 3 always together like the 3 musketeers and Mother Mary! 
Remember to Seek and Shall Find like a game of hide a-go Seek one must be more childlike.

 You don't have to be perfect to know and love Jesus and you know he is with you hearing you or waiting for you. Just speak to him " Hi Jesus it's me and I don't know what to say but this is what is laying on heart or mind and can you please show me you're with me in some way or open my eyes and give me wisdom, In your name, Amen) 

Let The Drafts Begin for Heaven's Team so we save so many Satan the fallen angel won't have to babysit anymore that he won but did not really want to win for all God's Particles forgiven the day of the Cross and if you're a light worker then how are we any different for he reflects light yet is made of the same matter as of each of us Ions and just like we are all made up of the Holy Spirit we all have free will to pick the right team and please if you think you sign your name in blood to Satan , Please stop that stinking thinking and know until your last breath you can turn to Jesus and if you're from another religion it is not about that either but know there are other God's out there but Jesus earn it so give to Jesus your prayers and honor your own faith for Jesus died for your God as well for all have walked the earth and lived of the flesh and with this great awakening you might just wake up to be a God of your Culture and we are all in this together some are waking up from good to bad and vice versa for families are being torn apart so this football season get together more often and show one another true love for the game while keeping your love ones close and safe just as the Father looks at us in the spiritual realm you can see your castle is safe as well.  Lawlessness in the last days that truly won't be last days if you believe in prayer world without end, yet the non-chosen ones will be left or not taken that part is up to the father at this point and all points are the beginning and, in the beginning, you were chosen for you were created to begin with so please know Playoffs are near. I am trying to get us to our homefield with a big feast afterwards. 
Stop Life's Technical Foul

As a Parent I feel it is important to spread the word and to always keep your eyes out for things that just don't add up! Not just kids are being taken but adults as well. 

Important News
On The World News They Discuss This CNN Super Bowl & Sex Trafficking The Truth!

Just like you cannot see human trafficking for now you can't see Jesus but both are real and Jesus will be returning sooner than later.....

Do you pray for protection over your home and your house and family and your friends? That is the best gift you can give them in Today's times, and it is 100% Free to give over and over for them, especially if they cross your mind



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