Showing posts with label abba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abba. Show all posts

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Happy Father's Day To My Foster Dad Earl and Thank You and For All To Enjoy A Moment In The Woods A Eye Seeing Gift

A Moment In The Woods

Some Dad's go by many Names and hopefully they are good names for some, because we all know not all dads are equal but there is a love shared between a daughter and a father and even if it is not by blood by a friendship or just being accepted by someone who is a father figure. Now I know there are even some moms out there that have to play the dad part as well, It's not easy, I have been there and done that for years. The Protector, The Leader of the home as it is in scripture, Even if it feels some days, us females can take over a household but truth be told A father should lead him home as it is in scripture and as it is also in scripture We should honor thy Father and Mother and that includes your father if he ever made a mistake, Like my Natural father has to me but, that is neither of importance today but just speaking from the Heart as Bigg Faith does.
I want to say Thank you to my Foster Dad Early Wyatt who is a father to many, some his blood and some he took in over the years with his Wife, Mom Jamie and he was there helping her with us girls, like really a house full of girls and just one brother ...Oh the Aqua Net hairspray had to be strong at times lol. 

Getting back to My foster Dad as most kids do blood or not can tend to get mouthy and I remember one time I did and just as I fear him not because he is mean but because well frankly, I deserved a good yelling at because I was a mixed-up teen growing up in different homes until I met the Wyatt's. Earl showed us he cared by reprimanding us when we were wrong, and he is strong when the boys came around and trust me they did but to them he looked like Hauk Hogan so you know those boys would be scared lol. Oh, the good old days, and you know we all have those moments your dad scratches his head and said what was you thinking as for example One day I was holding a ladder and it fell completely backwards when I was supposed to taking it or giving it to him, to far back but I do recall it wrapping around me and the mailbox the same time.. lol Like Archy Bunker would say if you know who that is "Those where the days" in fact I sing like Mrs. Bunker if you watch any of my Bigg Faith Videos lol or the time We build the porch or I almost passed out from working on the roof and mom gave me food ( don't starve yourself ever)  BUT HEY  when it comes down to giving the one who scolds us when we are wrong and cares for us and teaches us and provides for us, So everyone has this in their life besides our Earthly Fathers of any kind to Our Father in heaven Abba is his name like Daddy in case you didn't know and he is all our fathers because we are all God's children unless you reject him and all you have to is say the Lord's prayer to let him know you know he has always been there. So please take the time today especially in Today's time to even whisper to God Abba just say it once come one Abba outload so he can hear you say his name. That is the sweetest gift of all to Abba. And since he is everyone's daddy well we are all connected maybe not by blood we are and therefore lets stop the hate in this world. One small voice...One mustard seed..... Happy Father's Day Abba, Earl, Robert and my kid's father's (John & Sean) because I am a Christian woman I must even if it is 2 baby daddies just keeping it real life has issues! Learn to forgive and love one another. 

Here are 3 songs One for Foster Dad's One for Step Dad's and more, and of course One for Abba. Enjoy and dads its ok if you cry.
For all dad's that didn't have to be......You made your Abba pleased...and for me for my husband.

One more thing going back to Honoring our Father's ..Now that you know or just forgot.... We all do. Take this time to honor him in the Lord's prayer.....

Sunday, May 12, 2019


I would like to take this time to Wish My Foster Mother Jamie Wyatt a Happy Mother's Day and to take the time to Thank her for putting up with me when I was going through Teenage years and even in my adult life and still loving me. Foster Parents Don't have to stay in Contact when your adult unless they choose to, and she did, Jamie Wyatt may not be my natural Mother and nor can she replace my birth Mother Theresa Smigelski (Diseased) but as I was a young teenager she step up and saved me from going to another group home when I was being misunderstood for my behavior and I was just wanting to have a family.
I once ran away to look for my real family that was still alive and it broke her heart and as most Natural and Foster kids can do during their troubling teens years.
I have learned as a Mother myself of a son and now a daughter how much your heart goes out to them and love. All the worry that goes along with taking care of children and especially so many of us.
Jamie Wyatt and Earl have open their home so many times for trouble teens and even though it is years passed, I still feel they should be recognized for all they have done for so many young girls starting back in the 1980's . Jamie and Earl are amazing Parents because of taking in so many foster kids into their home.
Oh though there was so many of us she took the time to make sure each of us did not find ourselves into trouble and once I read in a notebook a description of each child and I remember reading about myself and what she wrote and sometimes I wished I would have reflected on all she has done for me and us girls before life made me doubt how love is but now that I understand Jesus a little more I know if I had not gone through everything I have faced in my life then I wouldn't have stories of Triumph over struggles but when you really reflect it all comes back to the strength she instilled in all us girls. So I would like to tell tell all foster parents out there you do make an impact even when the child is misbehaving no matter what age and to love like Jesus and he will know the pains and storms you went through to reach each child and when They were hungry you fed them, When they had no Clothes you cloth them. You treated them like Jesus would and for that you will be blessed because We are all ABBA's (God) Children and we are all connected if he lives in you and for that we are one as a family so in truths does not matter blood ties or not what matters We love like Jesus and there you will find Family. Here is a song I am dedicating to My Mom Jamie Wyatt. I like to Wish My Mom in heaven and all other Mom's of any kind a very special Happy Mother's Day.

Song Dedicated To Jamie Wyatt Thank you Jamie Wyatt (MOM) The Song is about Hero's and YOU Both Are MINE!

Monday, July 30, 2018

In Today's time we need to have Bigg Faith

Hi Everyone , My name is Theresa and I have finally realized what I was called to do and that is to simply help others through my journey in this life, I don't have all the answers by no means and in fact I am a little nervous as I try to figure out how to Blog lol, I would appreciate any comments if I am not doing this correctly, but getting back to the Post title In Today's time we need to have Bigg Faith just like the mustard seed in the bible was the smallest seed but it grew the biggest tree so can we, I , everyone plant more seeds of joy and try to bring a revival back to what the Lord wants us ALL to do and that is to Love one another with unconditional love, We all go through seasons in this life we live where sometimes it's great and sometimes it's just hard. What I have learn since a young girl is that there was only one with me during my trials of being molested at a young age, losing my mother to cancer, having not one but many bad marriages until I learn the correct way of finding Mr. Right. .... Ask God that simple .... Abba will bring the right one along when the timing is right. I was too busy trying to help others in relationships when really this right here , right now , is what I was supposed to do and just share my trials and in return maybe help someone who is going through the pain of this life we live, I look around and no one smiles as much anymore to others , we are too scared to, We shouldn't be scare if God wants us here on earth then he won't call us home so how can we go wrong with just showing each other kindness, for example at the store and few things in someone else's hands and your cart is full , let them go first, or all this road rage is crazy or politics wanting others to hate others, that is not what this earth was created from and we are from the earth , dust to dust right , God made us out of Love Pure Love he is EVERYONE'S  father , abba, just pick up the bible and start reading it, I always wanted to read it from front to back but I got overwhelm with it ,,,
 Ya overwhelms with God's word, but I decided I would right date of random pages I read and one day, I realize after looking back I read much of the bible which means B-Before I-Instructions B-Before L-Leaving E- Earth, so why don't we have this in the schools anymore?
I feel there are so many others out there who just hold it all in, can't share with no one? Don't have no one? I would love to make this a blog to where if you're having a day that we can reach out. I have heard on FB some would say I have more friends on FB than in real life minus a few negative words and that is said but I truly understand that because people hurt others and in today's time no one remembers about forgiveness. HOW CAN WE EVER EXPECT TO BE FORGIVEN FOR OUR WRONGS IF WE NEVER FORGIVE? Can people heal from being molested, being a foster kid, loosing family, being hit by trusted ones, maybe being robbed, loss of just belongings and starting over (specially with all the disasters going on), Yes you can get through any of these and everything else not listed because the list is to long these days. ...We have to get it together and soon, If your reading this and you're not feeling like a good person ...just know God knew everything before you decided to do it and he gave us free will but we can be honest to him and he will still love you but you must ask forgiveness and not just from him , anyone who has hurt someone but you still miss them , write them, not text or call but express how you feel on tangible paper put little effort into saying you're sorry and if you don't get the response you expected keep praying for them and see how the Lord works.
I hope after you read this you spend a few minutes alone with God just a few no sounds just you and God and ask anything of your heavenly father because Abba=father loves you and he wants you and needs you to know this. All you really need in this world is Love and fills you up , can feel as if you can do anything from love , Show God you love him don't take his love for granted even if its unconditional love because look around ......We are lacking love in so many things the world seems to be having birthing pains and if you don't know what that is read Revelations and don't forget to mark your date in your bible and for those that don't know where it is at in the bible , it is in the back of the book the last book of the bible and speaking of that books where taken out of the bible look it up on YouTube missing books of the bible my favorite is Enoch the only living being to walk beside God and leave but who knows this unless we talk about it and that is what we are about to journey on life, bible, Love so if you're hurting right now ...Love yourself for He lives in you and he made you perfect, If life is good right now then give him praise even through the storm because he will show you his will. Trust me I have had enough trials in this life to know he is there. I know everyone won't agree with my words but that's it they are my words seeds that I am planting who else wants to plant seeds for the Lord show him by showing love to others even in the darkness he is with us don't let the spiritual world bring you down and remember in today's time we have to have Bigg Faith! I love you all because if he lives in me and you, we are all connected and how can we not love one another after knowing that? We are not perfect, we all have vices, we all need love.... let's start a revival him the Lord. I end with a pray for you all, Lord Please anyone who reads this please let them know your there for them through their storm, Let them know that this to should past and that there are only bad moment in a day and that we can take back our joy through you and be healed by you in anyway shape or form that they need at this time, Please give them the wisdom that need in any area of their life.  I ask this in Jesus's name and through your blood you shed for us. Amen

Bigg Faith in today's time


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