Showing posts with label #biggfaith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #biggfaith. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2024

My Reflection Looking Back At Me

My Reflection Looking Back At Me


Like My Selfie Mode Poem

I see a reflection staring back at me.
one that I recognize ......
I see a reflection of a woman who no longer lives scared......
One reflection I never knew before....
I see a reflection with a glow.....
One I saw a few times before....
I see a reflection staring back at me that my eyes seem to have a sparkle to them...
Once I saw a reflection like that, but it wasn't mine it was just the diamond that only did it as I gazed at it when the question was spoken....
I see a reflection that I do recognize...It just shines so much brighter than I could ever realize.
The reflection I see is of my Inner Soul, that was always reflected from my eyes with a slight glow....
Once I decided the reflection in the mirror no longer look like me covered, and bruises seen and unseen.................................
I asked the Holy Spirit to remove my reflection from ever being seen again
Once I had asked. My veil was lifted, and I could truly see that the reflection had only reflected what I couldn't really see.........
That the reflection could be change... As quickly as you blink your eyes, if you just ask the Lord for protection from the reflection that was behind you all this time.....
Once you see a glimpse of who you were once before and the reflection of who you will be again 
is a reflection I don't mind seeing because the reflection has always been me... Some batter and bruised........ 
Once I only saw my reflection staring back at me no longer scared to see the man that stood behind me wondering even why I would ever leave.............. 
Once is enough of reflection of that kind.
I see a reflection with No man standing behind me as I brush my long hair these days but, a Man off to the side, Who let's me shine in my own reflection with no need to hover over my mine.....and that it is safe to be in a corner again.......
Once I realize that I had a Man of God in my life it came to be.... That My reflection was not only me but of Jesus who also resides in me.................................................................. 
I gaze into Jesus eyes as he lives in not only jut in me but in the Man, he brought too me........That had a reflection just like me.......

Bigg Faith Sharing Her Own Poem.....No One Should Ever Be Abused but If you are look deeper into your reflection and see you are not alone...The Lord Jesus resides in everyone but not everyone wipes their mirrors off to truly see that not one but two reflections are in one if you only had the eyes to see and the ears to hear then you will know you're not alone.....He will wash away all the smudge off your mirror so at last you can see your reflection as you been dreaming it to be..........

Domestic Violence Is Not Sexest

Does Not Matter How You See Your Reflection As Long as You Truly See It with Your Veil Off

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Happy Father's Day To My Foster Dad Earl and Thank You and For All To Enjoy A Moment In The Woods A Eye Seeing Gift

A Moment In The Woods

Some Dad's go by many Names and hopefully they are good names for some, because we all know not all dads are equal but there is a love shared between a daughter and a father and even if it is not by blood by a friendship or just being accepted by someone who is a father figure. Now I know there are even some moms out there that have to play the dad part as well, It's not easy, I have been there and done that for years. The Protector, The Leader of the home as it is in scripture, Even if it feels some days, us females can take over a household but truth be told A father should lead him home as it is in scripture and as it is also in scripture We should honor thy Father and Mother and that includes your father if he ever made a mistake, Like my Natural father has to me but, that is neither of importance today but just speaking from the Heart as Bigg Faith does.
I want to say Thank you to my Foster Dad Early Wyatt who is a father to many, some his blood and some he took in over the years with his Wife, Mom Jamie and he was there helping her with us girls, like really a house full of girls and just one brother ...Oh the Aqua Net hairspray had to be strong at times lol. 

Getting back to My foster Dad as most kids do blood or not can tend to get mouthy and I remember one time I did and just as I fear him not because he is mean but because well frankly, I deserved a good yelling at because I was a mixed-up teen growing up in different homes until I met the Wyatt's. Earl showed us he cared by reprimanding us when we were wrong, and he is strong when the boys came around and trust me they did but to them he looked like Hauk Hogan so you know those boys would be scared lol. Oh, the good old days, and you know we all have those moments your dad scratches his head and said what was you thinking as for example One day I was holding a ladder and it fell completely backwards when I was supposed to taking it or giving it to him, to far back but I do recall it wrapping around me and the mailbox the same time.. lol Like Archy Bunker would say if you know who that is "Those where the days" in fact I sing like Mrs. Bunker if you watch any of my Bigg Faith Videos lol or the time We build the porch or I almost passed out from working on the roof and mom gave me food ( don't starve yourself ever)  BUT HEY  when it comes down to giving the one who scolds us when we are wrong and cares for us and teaches us and provides for us, So everyone has this in their life besides our Earthly Fathers of any kind to Our Father in heaven Abba is his name like Daddy in case you didn't know and he is all our fathers because we are all God's children unless you reject him and all you have to is say the Lord's prayer to let him know you know he has always been there. So please take the time today especially in Today's time to even whisper to God Abba just say it once come one Abba outload so he can hear you say his name. That is the sweetest gift of all to Abba. And since he is everyone's daddy well we are all connected maybe not by blood we are and therefore lets stop the hate in this world. One small voice...One mustard seed..... Happy Father's Day Abba, Earl, Robert and my kid's father's (John & Sean) because I am a Christian woman I must even if it is 2 baby daddies just keeping it real life has issues! Learn to forgive and love one another. 

Here are 3 songs One for Foster Dad's One for Step Dad's and more, and of course One for Abba. Enjoy and dads its ok if you cry.
For all dad's that didn't have to be......You made your Abba pleased...and for me for my husband.

One more thing going back to Honoring our Father's ..Now that you know or just forgot.... We all do. Take this time to honor him in the Lord's prayer.....

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Daily Reading 
From Jesus Calling 

TRUST ME IN ALL YOUR THOUGHTS. I know that some thoughts are unconscious or subconscious, and I do not hold you responsible for those, But you can direct conscious thoughts much more than you may realize. Practice thinking in certain ways-Trusting Me, thanking Me-and those thoughts become more natural. Reject negative or sinful thoughts as soon as you become aware of them. Don't try to hide them from Me, confess them and leave them with Me. Go on your way lightheartedly. This method of controlling your thoughts will keep your mind in My Presence and your feet on the path of Peace. 
Psalm 20:7
John 19
Luke 1:79

My video on it Bigg Faith

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Jesus Loves All Stop Hating Focus On Why We Are Having Tornados, Floods, Earthquakes and Hate!

With all this hate going on in the world it is time to spread some Love!

When others think God hates them including the photo below, you know that if you just ask Jesus and say his name he will be there because he is still with you until your last breath waiting for you to speak with him. You may not think so but it is so! 
I am a sinner because the flesh is hard to control at times and I will never be perfect as hard as I try and I might even commit sins I am unaware of because no one knows the whole truth but Jesus and he knows my heart these days and he knows when I took his name in vain how sorry I was and because he lives in all of us waiting...He felt my tears when I apologize to him and you can do the same. Do you find yourself with anger? Do you hate others? You must let go of all that and ask Jesus to show you the truth before it is to late. Do believe in other Gods and think Jesus won't befriend you and teach you the truth or are just scared to really hear the truth...don't be, because the truth will set your soul free. I have my video on here and also Pastor Paul Begley with The news. Please watch so your eyes may be open you can have eyes that do see and ears that do hear. 

Sunday, May 12, 2019


I would like to take this time to Wish My Foster Mother Jamie Wyatt a Happy Mother's Day and to take the time to Thank her for putting up with me when I was going through Teenage years and even in my adult life and still loving me. Foster Parents Don't have to stay in Contact when your adult unless they choose to, and she did, Jamie Wyatt may not be my natural Mother and nor can she replace my birth Mother Theresa Smigelski (Diseased) but as I was a young teenager she step up and saved me from going to another group home when I was being misunderstood for my behavior and I was just wanting to have a family.
I once ran away to look for my real family that was still alive and it broke her heart and as most Natural and Foster kids can do during their troubling teens years.
I have learned as a Mother myself of a son and now a daughter how much your heart goes out to them and love. All the worry that goes along with taking care of children and especially so many of us.
Jamie Wyatt and Earl have open their home so many times for trouble teens and even though it is years passed, I still feel they should be recognized for all they have done for so many young girls starting back in the 1980's . Jamie and Earl are amazing Parents because of taking in so many foster kids into their home.
Oh though there was so many of us she took the time to make sure each of us did not find ourselves into trouble and once I read in a notebook a description of each child and I remember reading about myself and what she wrote and sometimes I wished I would have reflected on all she has done for me and us girls before life made me doubt how love is but now that I understand Jesus a little more I know if I had not gone through everything I have faced in my life then I wouldn't have stories of Triumph over struggles but when you really reflect it all comes back to the strength she instilled in all us girls. So I would like to tell tell all foster parents out there you do make an impact even when the child is misbehaving no matter what age and to love like Jesus and he will know the pains and storms you went through to reach each child and when They were hungry you fed them, When they had no Clothes you cloth them. You treated them like Jesus would and for that you will be blessed because We are all ABBA's (God) Children and we are all connected if he lives in you and for that we are one as a family so in truths does not matter blood ties or not what matters We love like Jesus and there you will find Family. Here is a song I am dedicating to My Mom Jamie Wyatt. I like to Wish My Mom in heaven and all other Mom's of any kind a very special Happy Mother's Day.

Song Dedicated To Jamie Wyatt Thank you Jamie Wyatt (MOM) The Song is about Hero's and YOU Both Are MINE!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Family Issues and Bigg Faith's Personal Message For Her Own, Sharing To Help Other Families

Dedicated To My Brother and Sisters May You Find Peace and Happiness Among Yourselves.
-Love Cookie
My Bigg Faith Viewers, Learn How To Worship and By Listening to My Story might help you with yours if you are distant from your family for whatever reason, The Devils job is to destroy all that God has made and including Family Ties, and if people can meet after 35 years from a DNA test and pick it from there, then there is still time if you knew your family and had issues and your heart misses them but your to proud or to angry to let go of the past, you are only hurting yourself and your love ones, Love never dies, People want to do the easy way and not share what hurts, them, have a truth table and share with no one getting upset or better yet stop texting and start writing how you feel, do it for yourself, do it for them, after all Jesus loves all of us and in the end you will have to face them face to face in spirit and do you want Jesus to have to show you all the pain that is caused by lack of action and love? He will reflect with us and it is better to be open about your faults, your fears , If you keep them in the Dark then they only trap you down and if you bring them to the light then you are free and you know Jesus is always with you and just talk to him no matter how crazy it may sound to non believers he will let you of his presence because your spirit will get chills and your flesh can not control your spirit. It will know he is with you in the unseen world. How close is it? You and I can not image what is waiting for us, Don't let the devils playground destroy your soul by holding in anger, resentment, depression, You are loved and you are never alone, Embrace Jesus and reach to him for wisdom on what to do or say to fix your family, He is the true counselor. He will push one of your souls to make the first move, Everyone needs to feel important and love. Sometimes we have to put down our needs and pick up our cross and help others then they will listen to your needs. We live in a Me Me Me world. There may be past pains you don't even know hurts your love ones. Talk it out, Pray it out. 
-Bigg Faith

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Hard to believe in Jesus?

 Jesus left behind scriptures with his followers so we may know of him
 Jesus can be seen in others but not just a look alike but by actions 
 What would you do if you saw Jesus today? Would you know him?
 Jesus does show signs in today's wold but just not shared on news and blocked by Chem Trails
Is it so hard to believe that someone one loved you enough to come into this world as flesh and be killed for All our sins, because no one is perfect. Research about him to learn the truth, He is coming back one day, Just like a parent tells a child I will be back after work, Well Jesus is a carpenter and he is building us a place for eternal life, What happens if you don't at least try to learn about him and make him your savior will there a vacant sign put on the room he is putting together for you. Read Revelations, Check out Youtube channels teach yourself, because all churches do not speak of his return. Why is that? My friend, research so much you will be blown away what is shared with you and what is not ...I feel since most of the great books were taken out of the bible how do we know the whole truth, Why take them out unless something to hide, Book of Enoch, Book of Wisdom is not in a regular bible. Sharing this in hopes of saving more souls, because we are all connected and if you feel like your missing something, its all of us together with Jesus, Only then will we feel whole, Until then We must bring each other to know of Jesus Christ. I am far from perfect, but when my days are hard, I turn to him, sometimes out of stress and he shows me he is near each and every time, What do you say to him, Hi Jesus its me (Your Name) I am knew at this and I just want you to know I want to know you and have a relationship with you and to please show me you are with me and come into my heart and make you my Lord and Savior. No one can deny of him NO ONE, a simple whisper of his name is prayer enough to him. With world disasters everywhere ...Birthing pains, found in Revelation which just break it down and study what he is trying to teach you in the Bible, your Basic Instructions, Before , Leaving, Earth so why are we not teaching from it in schools?.....Look at the example of below of the hidden messages he leaves for us, study it.

-Bigg Faith

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Anger In Today's World Not A Normal Blog Today!

I want to write about all the hate in this world and anger that is overcoming others to do the unthinkable to shooting parents and spouses, the very people that love the ones who took their own life. How does one family learn to forgive the unthinkable. It states in the bible you must enter heaven with no hate. How can you get past the pain of losing someone from another family member? How come kids are being found in cages and parents are not feeding their babies? All this is evil and it all can be overcome if more people release their anger in a healthier way, Even if most people disagree, Every sin is the same in God's eyes, and that is hard to unders
tand but God loves all but if the person does not repent and I mean truly repent for their action including those who rape others, then they will go to hell. Which most would think that is where they are meant to go but! We are here on earth to try to save as many souls as possible, Sharing his word, What makes a woman who had an abortion any better than the parents who lock their kids up... Its all disturbing to see it more and more on the news but yet we are worried about other issues or put silly stuff on the news...If you research on youtube all the crime or end time news you will see we are leading to a path of no turning back unless we have God! It is not a Religion but our father in heaven and Jesus who died for all these sins being committed including the ones we do not know we commit. I am no better and have sin against Jesus with calling out of his name out of anger and others between me and him. As yours our with him. We need to slow down, enjoy life even if your broke, you can find peace within all that stress, You can find peace if anything bad  happens to you because Jesus is always right there with you. Protesters in other countries including our own, fighting for this or that but when it becomes violent against others, is it worth it? This blog today is about helping me make a change by showing others love and forgiveness whenever you find yourself becoming anger ...Whisper Jesus again and again until it goes away and it will....When your sad or been hurt by someone....Whisper Jesus. So many want to hate on him and make fun of christians but Christians who are really trying to be like Jesus understand and don't give it back but Christians who get mad do not help the problem so be more like Jesus. I to remind myself to whisper Jesus....The Evil world that is unseen can try to destroy your day and put thoughts in your head...Rebuke and Whisper Jesus...Just try it and know no matter what your going through today, that you are loved and special and never alone....
Stop Hate Start Loving One Another!


Saturday, January 26, 2019

Jesus Wants You To Experience This....Plus How does Jesus Really See You

I Want YOU TO EXPERIENCE the riches of your salvation: the Joy of being loved constantly and perfectly. You make a practice of judging yourself, based on how you look or behave or feel, If you like what you see in the mirror, you feel a bit more worthy of My love.  When things are going smoothly and your performance seems adequate, you find it easier to believe you are My beloved child. When you feel discouraged,you tend to look inward so you can correct whatever is wrong. 
Instead of trying to "fix" yourself, fix your gaze on Me, the Lover of your soul. Rather than using your energy to judge yourself, redirect it to praising Me. Remember that I see you clothed in My righteousness, radiant in My perfect Love. 
Always really read and break down his words

Go To Your Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth =Bible
To These Books

Ephesians 2:7-8 Hebrews 3:1 Psalm 34:5
Above read can be found on this website Look For Jesus Calling By Sarah Evans a nice put together of Jesus words left for us and refer to the bible. 
Want to hear me read it while cooking Bigg Faith What Jesus Wants You To Experience
So True For Many

Selfie Mode By: Theresa Biggs 
My Reflection looking back at me though my Selfie Mode
Shows a Reflection that's not quite me, I see familiar eyes, chin and nose
What is this I see but, a glamours me looking back at me
I see a glow that the whole world will see, That is looking back at me
I see different filters of anything I want to be for the world to see 
looking back at me in Selfie Mode 
When the Stickers are off and no filters are on how is the world really looking at me
Is there a Selfie Mode for deep within so Others can see me for who I really am and not be accepted though Filters alone or is it... I who must accept that I can not live in Selfie Mode but love myself for me and not worry what the world see's 
without Selfie Mode

Created So Others know Their Self Worth!

Jesus Knows You Without Filters!

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