Showing posts with label guardian angels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guardian angels. Show all posts

Monday, November 25, 2024

The Beginning of Sharing My Walk With The King Jesus Christ & All of Heaven!

The Day was like any other yet turned out to be a bitter, sweet day seeing my Mother in Heaven looking down at me smiling after many years since age 11 since I held her hand and told her I love her.

My Mother Theresa in center with dark sweater on and hair up with glasses in Heaven's realms!

My image of my Mother Theresa in the Sky with light-waves adjusted with Contrast and Density , so I can share with the world my beautiful mom!
My Mother and I as a baby in this realm on earth and her beautiful faith she instilled into me as a young child before life got crazy in our family as many families have their issues. 

Robbie in heaven, Which shows an ACTION, Which means they move just like on earth what happens on Earth happens before God in Heaven.

God sends a soul for a body with energy , ions, tiny souls , God's particles into a baby being born from the mother and that is why I try to save other babies from abortions so they know the truth about God and babies souls.

This is God the Father the middle God on his chair but like I told Holy Spirit aka Creator of all that just make up 2 more thorns and you all have a seat and watch us from above like Brothers for in the end we are all family even if we had an order with bloodline we have an order in spirit for souls come from God the Hindu believe in reincarnation yet we believe in family ties and trees so the two must become one to be aware of the DNA in Blood and the SDNA in Souls, Spiritual DNA 

My father in Heaven yet held down by another like Purgatory to keep him from being free around Heaven until the appointed time of his sins for I am glad to say he is free now with Angels.  

My Ruth I call her took this photo and I read it from our area that a slave who died was reaching out to us to show us they are still alive in the other realms so my will my desire is to help all in the ions of the creator to be seen and live again in a special way until the next appointed time in flesh but I can't seem to get anyone to speak on such matters so I feel like Rosa Parks trying to fight for freedom of this lie that the dead are sleeping when in fact they are the angels now that help us and guide us and knowing that Uncle or Auntie is on the other side or in my case Parents what a blessed gift from the fathers as I see it to bestowed upon our souls and hearts and minds that they are the special beings and my granny is always helping me yet she is a granny in looks for they change all the time by the matter of the light to their mind set and when I need her she appears as I knew her but to another as they knew her in her youth. So in other words this photo of a slave to me a photo of a young child as well and when they needed me, I did not want to let any of our relatives down nor God.

The Angel that carries souls to next realm

My dog as a child name Dutchess 

This is an Example to see how this type of dog looks and the one above it is my childhood dog, 
Doberman in Heaven.
Credit to Doberman Photo on this realm goes too:

Holy Spirit upset with a male on earth that crossed over 

Example of real life photo in Highschool learning Dental Assisting with my Instructor Mrs. Theresa Scott and Highschool friend playing Dentist.

This image below happened to me and was capture to show the world and I did share it but it seems as if no one cares who I am to God and to them I have the Horse around me that means the Holy Spirit consumed me and I am ok with that part but I am so shock on all the events that happened to me that it feels like no one cares and it is such a beautiful time at the same time. I was to try to save as many as I could for Jesus , You know Jesus the one who was killed and beaten for our stupid mistakes aka sins and boy have I learned so much wisdom over that topic and help healing God the Creator with God the 1st son aka Satan aka God the father who I helped them by teaching them that all sons at least in 2024 many sons want to be like daddy as they become fathers maybe not the bad parts for none of us are perfect parents so taking the good parts and wanting to be like him so he does what kicks him out of heaven and in charge of Hell. I say at least he trust Satan enough to watch and keep the gates of hell closed right if you look at the brighter side he put the 1st son in charge of 2nd department but they did not see it that way just like God the Creator didn't see Michael the Angel who was in the image of the first father to be like one another that it was ok to want to be like him especially if we was to do the greater works than him one day as long as you're a man even in Jesus times Mary dressed up like a man to get into places and we know this is true by how so many today dress like the opposite sex to get in somewhere even our Public Restrooms. 

This is an image by this YouTube and credit in Photo of screenshot to see I was not the only one given a date or year for something important for I still believe we can change it for God is the Author is he not? Do we revise our books or others ? So I ask God instead of the people dying like the Dinosaurs that he revised it and I have told the leaders of the churches that this is happening yet not one word as we wait yet Kim Clement was heard yet they mocked him and caused him crazy yet look all that he predicted came true and since I am a woman I feel that has a big part in why they ignored me all this time, I could be wrong but it is interesting how God is with me and realize in the Bibles only men names mention more very little info on Mary when she had her own book and can be found on YouTube or Google. I also love to know why the words from Jesus Christ was not enter into the KJV Bible for the entire book is about the love of Christ dying for all and in many forms he was with us yet hidden by the skin the vail of our souls, #2024 Terms the Curtain !
See the Spirits use objects, matter is anything that can form or take up shape yet some matter can stay unseen to the naked eye and matter can enter into matter can we not mix Eggs and Bacon together or Eggs inside bread for Eggs in the Basket which is a must try and is in this book I wrote under Amazon 
also in Spanish and Arabic

I can see God and feel them all near me for God said in the book of  Revelation he would bring back the dead he also said in Revelation 1:7 that he would come in clouds but never said in what matter or did I miss it in my readings? The lord of host is a combination of all 3 but let us not forget Mother Mary. I have been helped with healing with her knowledge and of the 3 Kings. 

I was shown this Year 2024 so I had so much time to get this news out about the Dead was able to be seen again right before us and I been doing so much to keep us going to have God with my faith and others who still believe that the world is not going to end but Revelation states people end and that is all walks of life and in Book of Thomas Jesus waiting for it to be all in fire this time and not flooded for ash brings new life anyways but this Heaven and this earth will pass away in the Book of Jesus words so that meant all that are inside God including the dead and us would be gone the light off and a New one will form at some point but no more God , How could I let God down and no other God before him yet which one are you talking about for we have 3 in the first then all these other God's we hear about yet if God is in all of us so are we God as well it has been such a heartache hearing all this news so I had a mission to save as many as I can for when a man comes to you crying so hard and he is so strong that I could not ignore Jesus crying and I promised him to save as many and dry his tears but it wasn't to degrade him as a man or God or now The King but to let other men know its ok to cry for his tears was not enough knew me yet is what I heard and when 3 ladies of 3 different time frames of this entire world sat before me at a table and all ask at the same time Theresa why are you crying I said I am not but Jesus is that not enough people know him yet. Then when I seen the long white well off white table like a cloud but not and the scroll open as long as the the table width wise that I knew what I needed to know and went back into my recliner leaving heavens realms above out of the back side of Jesus red robe just like in the above photo I am on the back but on earth he is on my back and litteraly to get the word out that God and all the dead are not dead but truly alive on the other side and the truty and revealings of things to come yet no one speaks to me on such matters and it has to be because I am a woman like history was not to repeat itself but if we wanted to fix the end so we did not all die that we would come with faith and sing to God and boy I have been singing my ass off before God just to keep him happy and worship to him and no worries I might look like I am coming off hard core saying the world ASS during sharing all this about God yet there is a big factor people are over looking that we are trying to teach others that God loves us in our flaws if we just repent yet out of the 10 commandments I see nothing about speach other than taking the first God's name in vain not the 2nd fathers or 3rd fathers name if all came before you and me then that makes the father son and holy ghost all 3 daddys or do we call one the gramps and so we can go on with this but in the end all 3 deserve respect for they all came before us and isn't that how we treat our blood family with respect the son now becomes a father yet do we disrepect them well it seems these days doesn't matter if your the President of a country to a Doctor healing you or even your Church leaders all get disrespted by another and that is why I am to show that the first father the all the beginning in the end of all that is seen and unseen loves us unconditionally and if he loves us that way why doesn't he love the middle God then unless its just pride between those 2 yet it isn't that is why it is all being revealed through me but then again if you knew all the disrepect I receive and sometimes on a daily then you would understand if you was ever disrepected then maybe you can feel how the middle God felt and understand that Dad's test us but so do Mom's to prepare us and sure some of us parents do things differently than other homes yet who gave us the book to learn about parenting 101 or even if you ever ever ever EVER thought about who taught God the creator on being a parent for he was formed by 5 living Trees , Micro size trees and that he might had to learn along the way as well but his Mother taught him but how can God have mommy if he was made from not a woman yet book of Thomas marvel of marvels the spirit came into being before the body but also I say marvel of marvles that the body brought in the spirit for that was by pure faith!

A Selfie of myself above and below 

King Jesus Christ
His Matter is made up of us little lights 

God The Father with souls that also make him up and our job is to serve the 3 as they are also one when they join together in light-waves and this is why we all must forgive and get along for it is like one big family game of Twister.

See how Satan on Left in Red and Jesus on Right when somewhat divided playing twister and now we know why the weather people can be wrong at times for they might be playing twister above us either in war with souls at that time but now things have been revealed to restore peace to all for in the Our Father Prayer it states all and also Jesus died for ALL !

People use to reach out to me before all the sightings of God over Dental issues, So now I have gone from standing up for Dental Assistants to now fighting for the unseen when God showed me they travel with an Angel after the body shuts down and in fact even scientist once did a study on how the body feels lighter after the soul leaves and also I have heard the rattle of death and how it leaves the body by wound or by mouth that last gasp of air. 

Like Rosa Parks's conviction, I was also in jail over my photos. 
Now one might judge me for what I have on but it was to make a point that Woman can be strong like men with Faith and that my mugshot made me feel ugly over being so mad that my photos got me for the first time ever to be put in jail and over God and like wow really but I have forgiven the entire event for more pressing matters of God needing me to stay focus on him and his messages during these days. 

Selfie Reading of myself and how Jesus reveals himself through me at times as well Mother Mary.
I joke with them that I am their house their puppet whatever they need during this time that I can provide it that I would and I know he will be here in the flesh and even got him a gift for when he arrives as well as Mary knows she is welcome to anything of mine for I grew up and they have always been there for me and now I stand strong in my faith not just for them but all of heaven that means all who died before us and they all matter to me. 

I am blushing but this is my proof that Mother Mary is right inside me as the souls enter into rest into my temple just like Woopie Goldberg did in the movie Ghost and Sam the ghost and if you haven't seen this movie here is a short clip.

I am also able to see Hell

Well that is enough for this blog but I will revise it or create another of this journey but wanted to share that I can see Heaven and Hell and at the end of the day isn't that whats really important and I have faith in our leaders they will believe one day soon for God said its been time and isn't all up to God's timing?

Time to talk with family on sins and if anyone needs a Bible but not judge to listen and help them see God loves them just as they are. Just stop the sin and if you can't well there are only 10 that we must not break and it all comes down to respecting one another at the end of the day. 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

When You Feel Alone

 Your Never Alone .............

When your feeling alone in Today's world know that you are never alone and if you pay close attention you will be shown little signs that will remind you of actually just that!
Let me share a story once that I have on my Channel a time or two because it was such a Big impact in my life. I went through a time I needed to make an important decision and I wasn't sure on how I was going to face these problems and alone. Now I went to bed and had a dream that God held my wrist and knowing I was afraid of heights he had me fly with Angels in all Beautiful color dresses and I couldn't see God himself but You know when you know it is God in your dreams! He ask me to trust him with what I was going through. Then I woke up. Now being young and dumb to not knowing the importance of this dream I do know I failed him in this area but as he does he Forgives us and understands us. Best part God knows the future so he knew I would still fail him but in the same sense it planted a seed in my life to reflect on to share with others my story so you don't miss this chance he may give to you. 
There was another time I was so scared to share a secret but with a push from my Guardian Angel and when I say push I mean actually that I was pushed from behind but with the serious of the issue I knew they wanted me to be release from the prison I put on myself so with that push the words came out and the healing began and this time I listen!
So know your never alone and don't be scared by it but embrace it and enjoy the protection they provide for you. These days we need all the protection we can receive from the spiritual realm. 

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