Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2018

Paris France Riots Is Exactly What The Enemy Wants!

The lord wants me to share with Paris France that this fighting among yourselves in the streets must stop!

When you meet to fight the government The very same police officers that protect you,without the uniform they are citizens just like you. 

Stop please and not from a blogger in America watching it on the world news that may or may not be true but from God himself, This is what is being laid on my heart right now for you and maybe it will make sense and maybe not but I must share it. 

Fighting in the streets is fighting in the devils playground, you are playing along with the devil when you are in the streets fighting, God gave domain of the world to Satan and this is his playground so by going along with the anger you are promoting not others as you may see it but each body has a spirit living in it and each harsh word let along violence is destroying the people you love their souls not the government.
 Pray in the towns get together hold hands and believe something will change. I bet your president will try to change and do things without him even knowing why he is doing it if you pray to God, yes it is like that, sometimes bosses give raises and wonder later why did I do that because God laid it on their hearts. God is love and what is happening in a place once beautiful to visit even if I can never afford to go there , I know it was a place of love and now on the tv its fighting, so please from blogger in America, Go to a Plan B and that is get together with signs once more asking for your changes and praying in public all together as a whole and let the news record it that you are praying for God to do something to get the changes you need over there to make it, Let the government see this that your praying for them and see God work but in his timing, He loves you , he loves me, he even loves the ones you are fighting. Make the city New again with Love, and if the president loves his country he will love it like God with unconditional love and forgive what has happen and fix it and move on.
that is all
-Bigg Faith 
The Blogger From America
America has its issues also right now and if your reading this pray for our country and our leaders regardless of your views, God will work through all. Like Pastor Paul Begley talks about news and End Times, Are we living in the last days? 
Share To End Violence In Paris and In America for that matter The Whole World Needs Prayers. 

If you live by the sword you die by the sword

Reminder Of Once Was Can Once Be Again 
I Will Be Praying and Sending Love Your Way

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