Showing posts with label #birdbox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #birdbox. Show all posts

Monday, January 7, 2019

BIRD BOX CHALLENGE what Charlie knew that they did not explain

I Felt Called To Share This 

To Tell You The Blind Fold Is Not Needed Because, Your Blinders Are Already On....Time to see more than you have been.....A Real Life Thriller You Are Already Living....What would you do if you were truly faced with this? Keep Reading I will lead you to what to do like that crazy river they faced so is our path at times but before you find yourself on a crazy river so to speak ... I know what you need to carry with you and it is one thing.........

Before I do, I want to share something right from the bible that shows that some have blinders on right now because in the bible you will find stories that are meant for you to break down to understand just like this movie.....made you stop and think, well at least it did me.

 The Bird Box challenge is not something to joke about at all and in fact The blind fold is not needed if this was to really happen! All you must do is call on the name of Jesus to help you, and YOU MUST SPEAK OUT LOUD REBUKE!

Show faith that you believe in Jesus and also have the peace you will be protected by God and that you are his child and yes bad things happen to good people and yes we loose love ones but it is important to take care of the ones you love and talk about Jesus don't push it under the wrong the subject because you don't want to seem crazy because you will only become closer to him by sharing about him and if you don't believe me then try it yourself, take off your blinders because even in the book there is scripture that the character Charlie should have written down in his book that they never went back to and made Charlie seem nuts.
 Well the way he died he didn't die looking all nuts but courageous by saving others and he knew what he was up against because that evil force they talk about in the movie is The Devil himself because believe it he is Beautiful , because before he was the devil he was an angel and just like we have guardian angels we have angels that try to pull us from Jesus

 The scene when it surrounded the car and the car sensors were going off so do are spiritual sensors go off at times when we know it is not right to do and you must protect yourself with an invisible protection all around you and that is Jesus himself asking him to put a hedge of protection all around you and keep you and love ones safe even ones you don't get to speak to everyday because just like the winds travel and carried the sounds speak those words out loud to protect your love ones and homes with all these disasters going on and try your hardest to do right ,,, no one is one if not a thought then a look or an action... pray for forgiveness and don't soak on what you did wrong. Love each other, in the movie some try to do the right thing and the other person was evil pretending to be sweet like the man who killed almost everyone in the house at the time of birth. We don't know who is real at times and just like in the bible your basic instructions before leaving earth you must ...I repeat you must read it and understand it and break it down by it saids a wolf in sheep's clothing and it also states they have eyes but do not see and ears that do not hear. You must open yourself up to him.

The 5 G 

Oh yes this is true look it up there is radiation coming from them and wi fi in schools have been causing kids cancer. All this late and great stuff including the microchip is all evil and we must use it for the greater good. Oh what evil man you must be saying this lady is crazy but look it up in revelations that the mark of the beast and compare it to the movies that they are conditioning yourself for. Research just like Charlie and you will see with your blinders off and all you need is Faith...That is it just faith but there are times your Faith will be tested and you won't want to believe and that is when you should the most, when you feel or think of someone you care about pray for them right then and there and Jesus will show you he heard you but you must keep the faith because you must show him you are dedicated to him because wouldn't you want that respect and glory when you given life to others and gave your life for others, We are to Respect him and Honor him all our days and the best that we can. There is proof that you may research and books that are missing out of the bible just look it up for yourself. Read Revelations if you really need a thriller because it is one that is real and maybe bird box is just preparing us for what could come because so much comparison to the book of revelations such as 5 years it took her and there is a 7 year period in the bible and also the beauty they kept saying it was and how The devil is beautiful, Boy and Girl...Then Charlie and his book and what he study and not at a college...hint hint...Open your eyes. There is a reason why they did not show others praying and rebuking in the movie. Take it for what it worth but whatever you do PLEASE TAKE THE BLIND FOLDS OFF
Clint Eastwood and The Actors did a great job bringing you into that movie but I would have loved to see the truth be shared in how they all ended up defeating it who knows maybe they will make a part II.

What Ever You Do Save Yourself!

If you have not seen it find it on Netflix only $7.99 a month but First month is free!

Link Above is for a Pray Shawl You do not need a blanket!


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