Showing posts with label reflection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reflection. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2024

My Reflection Looking Back At Me

My Reflection Looking Back At Me


Like My Selfie Mode Poem

I see a reflection staring back at me.
one that I recognize ......
I see a reflection of a woman who no longer lives scared......
One reflection I never knew before....
I see a reflection with a glow.....
One I saw a few times before....
I see a reflection staring back at me that my eyes seem to have a sparkle to them...
Once I saw a reflection like that, but it wasn't mine it was just the diamond that only did it as I gazed at it when the question was spoken....
I see a reflection that I do recognize...It just shines so much brighter than I could ever realize.
The reflection I see is of my Inner Soul, that was always reflected from my eyes with a slight glow....
Once I decided the reflection in the mirror no longer look like me covered, and bruises seen and unseen.................................
I asked the Holy Spirit to remove my reflection from ever being seen again
Once I had asked. My veil was lifted, and I could truly see that the reflection had only reflected what I couldn't really see.........
That the reflection could be change... As quickly as you blink your eyes, if you just ask the Lord for protection from the reflection that was behind you all this time.....
Once you see a glimpse of who you were once before and the reflection of who you will be again 
is a reflection I don't mind seeing because the reflection has always been me... Some batter and bruised........ 
Once I only saw my reflection staring back at me no longer scared to see the man that stood behind me wondering even why I would ever leave.............. 
Once is enough of reflection of that kind.
I see a reflection with No man standing behind me as I brush my long hair these days but, a Man off to the side, Who let's me shine in my own reflection with no need to hover over my mine.....and that it is safe to be in a corner again.......
Once I realize that I had a Man of God in my life it came to be.... That My reflection was not only me but of Jesus who also resides in me.................................................................. 
I gaze into Jesus eyes as he lives in not only jut in me but in the Man, he brought too me........That had a reflection just like me.......

Bigg Faith Sharing Her Own Poem.....No One Should Ever Be Abused but If you are look deeper into your reflection and see you are not alone...The Lord Jesus resides in everyone but not everyone wipes their mirrors off to truly see that not one but two reflections are in one if you only had the eyes to see and the ears to hear then you will know you're not alone.....He will wash away all the smudge off your mirror so at last you can see your reflection as you been dreaming it to be..........

Domestic Violence Is Not Sexest

Does Not Matter How You See Your Reflection As Long as You Truly See It with Your Veil Off

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