Showing posts with label jesus and dominos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jesus and dominos. Show all posts

Friday, December 7, 2018

The Domino Effect

I saw on the Today show on 12/7/18 that Kathy Lee said something that I just have to share and that is "Only hurt people hurt people"...I was glad to hear such a strong sentence being played on National Television it was about bullying in schools which we know if not stopped then a life time of hurting others which will cause someone to be numb to the pain and hurt others also...
More and more people are being hurt by someone in these days and that is because it is becoming a domino effect and we are becoming numb to the pain.
When was the last time you were hurt and have you forgiven that person or person's because only people can hurt us because we are all connected through Jesus who lives in our hearts. Why else do so many walk around searching for something that will never satisfied them for a long time because the missing piece to your complicated heart of a  puzzle is Jesus Christ himself .
I know that this cycle can stop because of the trials in my own life and pain I have endured that I do not want to hurt others in the smallest ways but I don't know if I would have had such caring attitude if it wasn't for my trials so you could be a person that hurt others because you have been hurt which can be fixed and take those things you have done wrong and do good with them by helping others because we are all capable of changing our ways, Do we not change our mind on what we will eat to fill our bodies to keep us going ? Then why not keep your spirit going by refueling your spirit and change ? Who has made you feel like you can not correct your wrongs and hurts and use them for the greater good? That is the very thing the Devil does not want to do....We all are capable of stopping the Dominos in our lives because we all have Jesus until our last breath we have a choice to decide to believe while we are here on earth and not when we see him in the spirit ...That's unless he are called up all at once...Then who cares for once about cleaning up the Dominions because we will be in our new and glorious home built by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Praise Be To God and Glory To His Name!
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