Showing posts with label #spiritualwarefare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #spiritualwarefare. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Spiritual Attacks Among Friends or Family

I am sharing as Bigg Faith a recent attack that I have faced and I am sharing my Love for Jesus even during this time I am weak inside from the hurtful words spoken to me through a text and by someone I love so dearly, I know it is coming from the Devil for the good words I have spoken and the more good you do, the more you will be attack but doesn't mean to stop in fact it means to keep going forward. 
You ever had someone not like you and you never did anything to them? Well, it all boils down to jealousy or something negative and anything negative is from the Devil himself and anything good comes from God.

How to fix it? Well you keep on keeping on that good old saying, but it is true you pick up your battle with the enemy and you fight for your love ones and you pray for them. You pray for your enemies and keep praying watch any hate in your heart fade for the one you are praying for because you can not pray everyday for someone and then hate on them. Try it....
The Devil does not want others feeling loved but to confuse you and destroy and he knows how to get to you if not through you then someone you love he will attack them knowing they are weak. This is all in the bible which is your Basic instructions before leaving earth. 
I am sharing this video to help restore others relationships that might be under attack in this day in time. 

Someone has to make the first move and why not it be you? so, you can have favor in God's eyes that you set your pain aside and kept trying, if for some reason that person never came around well you will have transformed your pain into peace knowing you gave it your all to amend the relationship. 
Don't let the spiritual battle destroy your loved ones. Keep Praying for Children who leave home or don't come back, keep praying for marriages to be restore, pray for strangers, just pray!

Here is My Video I dedicate to my Niece who is under a spiritual attack because words spoken of such evil is not from the little girl I once held but a broken woman who doesn't see she is under attack and lashes out to the ones who love her. I don't hold back my tears because I know God will wipe away every tear one day and I release my pain for others to see that if you are hurting someone with words this is how they might be feeling but to afraid to show you and trust me if someone told you they loved you and you know you have spoken words against them they are hurting or if you are someone who has been hurt by someone look deep at them and see why they are so angry inside to have such hate it may not really be about you but a deeper issue and for that we all carry crosses but when we share our pain the load of the cross becomes lighter. So I share my pain in hopes of making your cross a little lighter. Have faith even if it is the size of a Mustard seed that he will bring the lost home so they to can feel the peace even during the storm that seems to bring in  a new one right behind it. Keep praying and believing. and pick up your Bibles ...


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