Showing posts with label #faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #faith. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

#Selfie Mode Poem

 My Reflection looking back at me though my
 Selfie Mode

Shows a Reflection that's not quite me, I see familiar Eyes, 
Chin and Nose
What is this I see but, a glamours me looking back at me?
 see a glow that the whole world will see, 

That is looking back at me.

I see different filters of anything, I want to be for the World to see. 

looking back at me in Selfie Mode 
When the Stickers are off, and no filters are on how the world is really looking at me.
Is there a Selfie Mode for deep within so Others can see me for who I really am and not be accepted though Filters alone or is it... I who must accept that I cannot live in Selfie Mode but love myself for me and not worry what the world sees without Selfie Mode...

Created So Others know Their Self Worth!

This photo of my inner light. I read it has no filter nor stickers of any kind. 
- God showed me who I am. 
God gave me wisdom one day so beautiful bright as ( The Sun ) and followed me from outside to inside of my home a bright orb with many colors the promise of his return and He is back yet many do not see him when searching in images they look themselves instead of comparing and searching for God. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023



The image above is of the Spirit of Jesus found in the clouds during a photo being taken to show the world that the book is unfolding it's play by play and this is part of Revelations 1:7 Look for I am coming in the clouds. 


Referring My Previous Post Superbowl Playoffs

The image of the Father of Jesus

Now many are immune to seeing Star Wars or any real good action movies that have great screen effects, yet this is not that it is created by the Touch of my hands to the screen while praying to the Spirit above all spirits and that is Jesus Christ the Lord, yet he is never alone when you see him you see the Father and always the Holy Spirit. 


Like Night Vision Glasses to remove the glare from the lights on the Roads this Blog is to remove the blindness of those who still have not seen the living God, Gods, Spirits and Souls of the Realms of Heaven and I share with you knowledge so the speck is removed from your eyes and you are blessed to know the dead are not dead for energy must charge up to be seen and any living thing on this planet or other planets are of Ions God's Particles the inner light with in each of us and no one is born dull but the breath of life is breath into you the moment you was made and when that breath was filling up your spiritual lungs your true Angel wings your gift was instilled into you at that moment in time. Like the great masterpiece of all soundtracks "Somewhere in Time" We are living out. 

Shades of Gray 
Shades of Contrast
Shades of Faith 

(Best to Believe Before Seeing)
Yes. It is time for all to see the faces in the Next level in Heavens Realms as we watch the world become destroyed by Greed, Hate, Murders, Rapes and just pure belittling of others with no respect for a person that in the end will be connected to you unless you keep a clear mind and pure heart as much as possible for the flesh is our enemy at times for our needs and wants yet if we learn how to balance living more by the Spirit and less by the flesh then you have found immunity with Christ but some are run by the flesh and what they do not see they have no faith to know that the flesh is just the temporary home during the BCAA (Before Christ Arrived Again aka 2nd coming ) occurred for we are trying to reach eternal life with God with us. 

God can do all things and Energy can increase by our Faith and Willingness to talk about loved ones who have Transfered into Spirit by soul leaving body and joining with twin flame their spirit for that is how God has been with us all these years for the prayer Our Father explains if truly listening to the words you pray during that prayers for what happens in heaven happens on earth now how can this be by having a twin on oneself in the realms of heaven before the father. 

Readings Available 

Crystal balls and visions of Psychic are shown not just of the afterlife but the twin on oneself that is how they can predict like the great Nostradamus. 

 and Kim Clement

souls God created with special gifts to help guide us to the truth.

Just like some spoke to the dead yet was Judge as fake Psychic Slyvia Brown 

and John Edwards and no not the Politician lol but this one below and all these great Spirits wrote for our Education, and all can be found by Google and a # 

both gifted the day life was given to them. 
Even Pets go to Heaven bottom photo is of my dog Monkey aka Krunch! as in Krunch Time 
With Their Gifts with Mine we can now share so others can have more faith, yet it is best to have faith before seeing.

Afterlife (Something to think about) 
As a Parent a parent does not give a gift to a child then ask for it back unless it was misused or like some gifts placed in a toy box and forgotten yet as children of God, we all have been given a gift to help us in this lifetime, but we are so busy learning to live in this world that we forgot to live in the spirit!
Reference Book the Book of Thomas and one of the questions when you see yourself then what will you do? Now how can you see yourself if your here on earth by the twin flame the Spirit. 
In other words, learn to love yourself first so you can love the father truly and see how much he loves you by the truths he shows you and how special you are to him for if you were not already one of his favorites why would he blow the breath of life into you? Like I said something for your Soul and Spirit to discuss during your Meditation time, that is unless your still too busy trying to make in this world and not with your first love you're beginning your story your true self. 

Just like a Game has teams in the end it is the owner of the NFL League that has all say same with the Playoffs of the worlds' biggest super bowl the bowl of John the Baptist to baptized oneself in the Living water and cleanse the soul for the spirit is cleanse in Heaven for one must be clean to be near the father that is why Hell is just as real and part of  you will die forever if we do not believe in Faith of  a God greater than we are. I say like twins missing another who has died before birth or after birth always missing a part of you that is hell in itself to live eternal life and not being fully charge due to lack of faith. 

I will unlock the door with the Key of Heaven for you. 
The Key is a word the Key word is FAITH.
Real images of Jesus the Spirit part is called Michael

Not Religion- Not Planets- Not Race- Not Country, Not even Gods it is Faith and to know all Gods are real and there are 3 Main ones God the Father , God the Son, God the Holy Spirit yet those that was last will be first and I can raise up the greatest God of all the and you might think I will say Jesus and yes he died for all and he is honor in this way but who I am I can say with great honor Holy Spirit is the God of all the Universe we live inside a Huge Casper the Friendly the Ghost and the Kindest most loving God of all. 

Proof just #Heavenologist or #Heavenologist in Google Search 
Even the Past Jesus died for the God of all Gods to show one can love and lay down his life for him as another in our time has done for Christ for Christ needed a Christ to show the same faith and one day all will be revealed by people of Faith to unlock the Kingdom for many to enter. 
Realms can see the layers. 

Those who have blocked it will beg for mercy of the Holy Spirit. 
Unless they seek Immunity of thy sins so you can be Unity like Queen Latifia song U. N.I.T.Y for we are greater together than apart and that is what Our Leader who will bring us home do in our country President Donald J. Trump is the Trump to bring us to Triumph for Father told me so and I am a woman with the keys of Faith. I have seen it time and time again and this is one of the reasons why I have not received the validation I desire for it is in the Chains of Fools like Aretha Franklin Chain Chain, Chain of fools yet every chain can break like the Christian son Break every chain and the link is broken for we have broken through the heavens realms with the knock of an angel on earth like knock knock, knock on Heavens door all can be found on YouTube or any Music Application under  Google Play. For it is time to be goolie God, God over God and be innocent as children when it comes to burdens for life still has it waves and roller coasters rides like Luke Bryans song but only if we believe in Faith what Grandpa told us about the good old days the Judds song Grandpa tell me about the good old days well the Bible does that and look at your DNA not just by the Blood but of the spiritual realms and realize your Great Grandfather the father of time is your family in Spirit and in which you will return. 
History will Repeat in a Positive Way for where the end is a New Beginning 
God's Promise 
God keeps saying In God We Trust yet his demand is Trump back in office hmm. So we wait and watch the storms increase. 

To Be Cont. Check back to this blog 

Heavenologist Report By: Theresa Rose

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Family Issues and Bigg Faith's Personal Message For Her Own, Sharing To Help Other Families

Dedicated To My Brother and Sisters May You Find Peace and Happiness Among Yourselves.
-Love Cookie
My Bigg Faith Viewers, Learn How To Worship and By Listening to My Story might help you with yours if you are distant from your family for whatever reason, The Devils job is to destroy all that God has made and including Family Ties, and if people can meet after 35 years from a DNA test and pick it from there, then there is still time if you knew your family and had issues and your heart misses them but your to proud or to angry to let go of the past, you are only hurting yourself and your love ones, Love never dies, People want to do the easy way and not share what hurts, them, have a truth table and share with no one getting upset or better yet stop texting and start writing how you feel, do it for yourself, do it for them, after all Jesus loves all of us and in the end you will have to face them face to face in spirit and do you want Jesus to have to show you all the pain that is caused by lack of action and love? He will reflect with us and it is better to be open about your faults, your fears , If you keep them in the Dark then they only trap you down and if you bring them to the light then you are free and you know Jesus is always with you and just talk to him no matter how crazy it may sound to non believers he will let you of his presence because your spirit will get chills and your flesh can not control your spirit. It will know he is with you in the unseen world. How close is it? You and I can not image what is waiting for us, Don't let the devils playground destroy your soul by holding in anger, resentment, depression, You are loved and you are never alone, Embrace Jesus and reach to him for wisdom on what to do or say to fix your family, He is the true counselor. He will push one of your souls to make the first move, Everyone needs to feel important and love. Sometimes we have to put down our needs and pick up our cross and help others then they will listen to your needs. We live in a Me Me Me world. There may be past pains you don't even know hurts your love ones. Talk it out, Pray it out. 
-Bigg Faith

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Cleansing Your Soul

Cleansing Your Soul

My video I made while cleaning the bathroom and while cleaning using it for a comparison to show you about Cleansing Your Soul

If you would like to donate to my page to help keep it going, Bigg Faith Appreciates it!

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