Friday, October 5, 2018


This world is in need of prayers so pray with me for all the disasters around the world and many people being killed.
Pray More
Love More
Care More
Forgive More

It is now or never to step up and start praying, If it has not effected you yet it could so pray in advance for hedge of protection for not only you & others but for your home to !
Bible=basic instructions before leaving earth 
Mark the date you read the scripture 
it is your study bible for your soul

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Selfie update #2

Found this another point of selfie mode poem

Economic inequality, not gender oppression, drives women to take sexy selfies, says study | The Independent

Monday, October 1, 2018

Forgiveness Revival

Forgiveness is hard to do because, It comes from deep within your very soul.

Some are incapable of forgiveness because, Their soul is weak by the flesh that tries to over run our very souls but we must not live by the flesh but by the unseen of our very souls. 

To learn to forgive does not come without a price, The pain that trigger the need for forgiveness will forever be there.
An event or words that hurt our very hearts, because who has not been hurt in a place the Devil has domain over, it is his way of getting us mad at God asking him why me God why why why...The answers of why we go through certain events is unknown but, It is known that the Lord is with you during those times a season we are learning.......
To all our souls the memories hurt but forgiveness eases your soul which mends your heart and soul .

Forgiveness everyone said's you must forgive! but I am mad and angry that this happen to me and I hate the person who did this to me or words they said to me I can not move past. I want to hold on to the angry I am a victim ! 

No you are a soul in a season of learning, how does he get our attention if it is not through trials. How can you understand another person trials if you have never experience pain? any events that you had to pick yourself up and make yourself stronger but during this time did you make yourself colder and angry? Reflect on who you were prior.....miss yourself? 
You can come back and get back on the your pathway you are meant to be on.

When I lost my family from non belief of what happen to me after being molested by family members I had to learn to not just forgive those who hurt me but those who turn from me and I still carry love for them because I know when our souls go to heaven , We will stand in his presence and he will not forgive you for not forgiving others. Oh you say you never hurt anyone? not as bad as you been hurt? We all have said things or done things against someone maybe without knowledge of it. 
We our told in the Lord's prayer forgive others  as he will forgive us of our of our sins. Who is to question this prayer and not forgive? Who is better than the creator? I think no one...Why does our Father in heaven teach us to forgive? Because it helps your Soul with empathy which this world is loosing quickly, so much hate and violence but no forgiveness when it done to you. 

         We Need a Forgiveness Revival 
                                        Your Soul Will Be More At Ease. 

Friday, September 28, 2018

Bring Your Bible To School Day

On October 4th is Bring your bible to School Day!
How refreshing is this that Christians can bring their Bible to School on Oct. 4th

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Oh Fear

Fear you lied to me again
Said I couldn't do it but I did it
Oh Fear don't you know?
The F in your name means false lies
Oh Fear, Why do you taunt me as soon as I arise in the Morning? 
Fear What is your agenda with me?
You can not Win! You should fear me!
For I fear not 
For In me Lives Truth Alone by My Spirit

By: Theresa R. Biggs

Thought: Fear is just a thought you react from and can cause you to breakdown in tears but why?
Because you allowed your flesh to over rule your spirit
Resistant of ones soul is only trapping you from within, Free your spirit today
Ask The Lord to help you from worrying and be free of lies from fear 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Hurricaine Florence another warning in today's times

I heard on the News today a father who was upset with his lost of his son and he said "Your God took him from me and I have nothing to live for"....I know it is hard to loose a love one and a lost of a child is hard but so many people are going through lost more and more and the world is not letting up with all the headline news that is taking place, Some people don't even pay attention unless it effects their world. 

We must remember everything Comes from God and if he takes it away or a love one away, yes the ones left behind are sad but the ones who God called home and that is what happens, They have left their bodies but the spirit lives on and not to many are talking about the spirit because many don't believe it. 

Jesus was a carpenter on earth for and he said in the bible I will go and prepare a place for you and When I return.... Well Jesus greets are love ones to many after life stories of the one who radiates love greets them in some way, When I had my wreck it was Jesus who was there with me. I felt him. 

Your love ones don't want you to be sad but it is normal to feel depress but image if you weren't hurting of never seeing your love one on earth again instead you were happy for them that they are some place beautiful and no pain at all...Plus you will see them again!
How can God Our father ... How can he love us and be all love but rip our love ones from us ,he is not cruel like this. He needs them home for whatever the reason, maybe to watch over you or to build his army in heaven for when he comes back he will bring with him an army as it saids in the book of revelations. He will call so many up ...not everyone....We don't have to be perfect but we must Love each other as our brother and sisters, We must have a relationship with Jesus =Meaning talk to him as a friend, brother, He knows what your going to do before you do it. You have to get on board and learn this and soon. Yes no one knows the day or hour but his words in Red , Do you Doubt he really exsisted...Look it up , research it. You need to for eternal life. 
Jesus was poor and he worked with wood and loved his mom. Simple right but out of all the ways he could have lived on earth he chose to live poor. He chose prophets who sinned or didn't live right. Which means he is approachable!
We have free will and we live by the flesh but we must live by the spirit. Meaning our bodies might enjoy things of this world but what is it robbing your soul from...The more good you do and the more you preach about Jesus if you do or decide to , Won't matter to Jesus he will say Depart from me I never knew you. Wow I don't want to ever hear those words but by not spending time with him in private, yes in private spend time talking to him anytime!
He lives in your heart and in mine which means you and I are connected and so is everyone else. We need to pray for everyone facing issues and even if we do not know them or even their names we know people are going without and are hurting right now. People can't live without AC let alone a home or being homeless and more and more are now days. So lets pray for everyone and hate to say it but with tornados and more distruction to come something could happen to my home or yours so pray in advance a hedge of protection over your home and family. Watch God move through his son Jesus....I know it is hard to believe but He is very much real and his time is near. 

Homework From me to you 
Read Revelations last book in the bible
Lord will bless you for reading it and I want you blessed!

Signs of The Times:
This is just the start of the flood yet to come........

Image result for florence hurricaneImage result for florence hurricane

Massachusetts explosion Teenager dead after multiple gas blasts and fires north of Boston cause mass evacuations

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Is The Earth Having Birthing Pains?

Dangerous heat expected and News issue a heat advisory for over 48 Million people. California has parts on fire from the heat. Earthquakes all over the world happening. Even where I live in Tennessee. Many people homeless from these events taking place. Image having your own home and business that is a blessing to have these days and to loose all of it so fast that you work hard for and that is not the only thing but Love ones missing or gone. How can people make these days without having Big Faith? That Jesus is there for each of us and sometimes we need reminded of him because we get caught up in our own worlds but the world as a whole is in such birthing pains right now. Volcanoes erupting and some getting more active. in Revelation 12:12 it speaks of the woman having birthing pains  and the 7 trumpets that sound all leading up to today's world events , Open up the good book and start with Revelation and break it down. Research it online ...
  • Trumpet 1-Fired on Earth
  • Second Trumpet-The Angel blew his trumpet and something like a great mountain ablaze with fire was hurled into the Sea
  • The Third angel blew his trumpet and a great start blazing like a torch fell from heaven .........Name is Wormwood and a third of the people died. 
  • The fourth angel blew his trumpet and a third of the sun was struck , a third of the moon and a third of the stars so that a third of them were darkened. 
  • The Fifth Trump and so on , I won't put it all up on here it is your study book also look it up. 
None of us know what to expect but are you prepared for the coming of the Lord if he was to show up ?? We are all sinners but have you ask him to come into your heart and become your Lord and Savior? List Prayers if needing some today. Just because, some of us believe the time is soon near that does not mean stop living as if there is no tomorrow because then we are living as if we have no faith and in today's times we must have Bigg Faith! Love you all 

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Do you have Faith only when there is times of trouble?

Life can be so hard at times and so busy but during those busy and stressful times are you still talking to Jesus? He can give you more time in your day if you only ask, he can and will help you even when you don't think you need it, Are we taking him for granted these days? Look at all the Earthquakes and storms....even sand storms are happening ... WOW ....I have a tree that is dying in the front yard because the sun it to hot for it!!! A tree ... really, it has stood over 40 years and now it is dying. Floods and dams breaking, Please pray for not just your city your in but everywhere. In the bible it states there will be birthing pains. Something to think about everyone. We need to get our Souls in check for the coming of the Lord for he will come like a thief in the night and that is so we are prepared in advance and that he will call up the ones that love him and have a relationship with him not the perfect ones but the ones that do try to do right and feel guilty when they are wrong but they love him so much and talk to him throughout the day. Just because you don't see him doesn't mean he is not right next to you at times. I once was in a bad car accident and you think the first thing I would have thought about was my kids, my husband, or me for that matter but during it when the air bag hit my face and I went out for a second the only thing in my head was Jesus name (JESUS) with a sense of peace. I got out of my car and saw the young man and went over to him and said Jesus just saved us as his blood was dripping from his head because he had not seat belt on. When has he help you please share.
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