Friday, December 11, 2020



Have you ever wonder where your going to go when you pass away? Have you lost a love one dear to you and wish to share your life events with them, If only they could see.
You are about to understand more than you can Phantom! 
It might overtake you as it did me at first, Not knowing why or how but once I realized I have asked for my veil to be removed to see the face of my love ones who have gone before me and for me and My family, We have lost many over the last few years that it has me thinking that I can no longer keep it to myself the images I am seeing, Some I have no idea who they are ..So view images as I post them on this Blog and feel free to share it when it comes to knowing someone is missing someone that Hey they are right there.. Learn more by watching the video and if found this website under this video then feel free to read on to my other blogs on here. 
Let Others know you must not be Perfect to call on Him!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Is Heaven Real?

Heaven's Realms

Let me take you on a Journey through the clouds and open your eyes to what has been there all along. 


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Change Starts Within


Everything Begins within us, Peace, Joy, Prosperity, Freedom of Spirit.
Freedom begins when we stop looking outward and we begin to start looking within, Freedom begins when we start taking full responsibility for our own lives. 
This inner freedom grows within us, deepens our awareness of life, of the presence of God in us, around us, As we mediate , study , or reflect , the Divine qualities within us grow, and our spirit expands, We become wiser, and Free ...
Inner freedom takes greater courage, Freedom is our ability, our capacity, to mold ourselves. Soul level freedom is for a lifetime: To make the right daily decisions, To control our thoughts, To praise instead of criticize, to serve instead of be served to not be judgemental. 
Freedom also comes from not taking responsibility for things beyond our control- The mistakes ,The burden of being responsible for another's life, anothers errors, or another's salvation!
Our human judgement is faulty . We grow in freedom when we learn to reserve judgements about people, about life, about events. It takes a lot of years to develop, to learn, to grow in spirit, But the Christ within us all pulls us up, and lock to our Holy Father. 

-MiMi 1919-2007

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Coronavirus The New C Word People Are Scared Of

The “c” word No one wants to hear it. The letter “c” for Cancer but now it's for Coronavirus the Unseen virus that attacks after invading yourselves attaching to your heart and destroying it or worse yet the weight of the virus filling your lungs up with so much fluid, You're drowning inside your own body. 

We as a population all worried about the “c” word. Being tested comes once you showed the signs of this invisible virus consumers rushing to the stores to stock up on toilet paper and such but there is a “c” word that is unseen and to most... it is unheard of it is a “c” word that can enter your body but unlike to Corona you are aware of the “c” word and actually invite this “c” word in the “c” word unlike the Coronavirus affects your soul the part of you that is unseen you know you have one even if it’s unseen like the coronavirus but yeah we didn't stock up for this  “c” word nor do we Panic, Worry about what could happen in this Unseen “c” Word the other “c” word is Christ yes Jesus Christ now wait don't stop reading after all you believe in the Coronavirus because of hearing of the death and that is unseen with the worse yet to come if you haven't stocked up you can and you're welcome to and can even Hoard all you want! No waiting in long lines or wearing face masks and in fact take the mask off take a deep breath, I would start reading the words in the Bible it's less complicated then the unemployment application online that you will depend on others to process.  That are unseen working behind the scenes to process so many claims yeah you'll never meet the person that process your claim but yet you trust in that they will do it,
To all of us , Christ is unseen but he sees your every need just call on his name just like the blood test you have to wait on for the response from the results, So does it when it comes to Christ yeah we all get impatient but that's when you learn about faith believing in the Unseen just like you are with the Coronavirus in the Bible it says and God's timing that his words are true yesterday, today and tomorrow and all throughout the Bible you are taught things yet to come.

So many people believe in Nostradamus and Mrs.Sylvia Browne predicted an ammonia type virus for 2020 that was unscene so take this time we seem to all have these days and open your eyes to the Unseen world “for if they have eyes to see and ears to hear” that's in the Bible do you know that each letter of the Bible if you break it down is the whole world textbook basic instructions before leaving Earth. No one knows when our time is up this virus destroys in a few days it can go undetected one day you're gone it would be a good investment and all that toilet paper,

that you stocked up on, You didn't see it coming that you wouldn't need it but your soul is free from the body but does it know where it's going, Once in the Unseen World, would it be loss and fall into the dark pits of Hell that's so real even if it is unseen or will you go where the rivers are made of wine and streets made out of gold and a place built just for you? Hard to believe in this Unseen World, yeah we can believe the government will provide stimulus checks that people who get food stamps it will be double for a month, We are all told it's coming the relief. We are all told and the curve will be flattened.

My fellow Souls my question is why can't more people believe in the unseen Spiritual Realm where Jesus resigns why can't people believe his words that he will return one day ? Why can't people believe in the Book of Revelations after all some believe the Sylvia Browne predictions and Nostradamus yet some can't believe the Bible is it that it's too hard to understand all you have to do is ask God to show you how to understand why he talked in parables.

 I do believe this is a time to slow down and repent and pray if you have no idea what to say even Whispering Jesus's name is music to his ears the virus is unseen when it fades just like Christ is real and the coronavirus is real, but just like the virus when a spiritual attack enters your body there is evidence maybe not like the cold or a sniffle or even whole body aches and depression feeling defeated feeling as if they cannot go on.
Jesus is unrecognizable in the storm.

Just like in Scripture 12 grown men who ate and worked and spoke to Jesus on a daily ,did not recognize him during the storm on the sea one man came forth and said "is that you Lord ? "
You can't recognize Jesus's hand during this time reaching out for you, I had a dream about 6 months ago and during the dream, I had a weight on my chest ...Crying,Sobbing and when asked by two women why are you crying? I'm not it's coming from Jesus...Why I felt his pain in that dream was laid on my heart to know and to share that not enough people know Jesus now look at today how many people are dying how many will die and didn't stock up for a eternally, The Coronavirus makes you tired and ill,But when Christ is in you, he radiates from you, He only brings life, eternal life unlike the virus Christ doesn't destroy but restores the ones who feel destroyed call on his name and if for some reason you lose this battle because none of us know this or if you lose a loved one what would happen is they went  or you will be absent from your body and present before the Lord To Be judge for your works on Earth. Will you be permitted and the Gates of Heaven are cast down the house but snarling teeth Darkness pain and more suffering more than a 30 day stay-at-home order.

It's really your decision, your personal decision just talked to Jesus christ.  Jesus learn about Jesus it's in the Bible the basic instructions before leaving Earth you're allowed to Mark pages you're allowed to highlight it's your textbook there's even apps on the phone for free to download just like my YouTube channel I share about Christ as I watch the Analytics reports compared to my Cooking channel or for my Education channel for Dental Assistants.
My Jesus one recruiting for Jesus  Analytics is bad on it..Why? Just like Jesus lay down my heart and that dream”not enough people know Jesus” Really know Jesus ask him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior don't wait till your lungs are filled up and you cannot speak these words be sure you're ready you're stocked up! And if you  feel like your Unworthy hey I understand that. No one is a Saint, What you do or have done walk away from it and you make a change, you ask for forgiveness or sing a song of worship many people's views on music is from the Devil many say the internet is the devil's portal so much wrong could be done behind the scenes but we can use it for good devices and getting Jesus's name out there.  Being a blogger you never speak to the people that read it nor do some leave comments but I know I have a relationship with Jesus Christ and if or not if but when it's my turn to return home in heaven the gifts I will receive to place at my Lord's feet will be the works I've done on this Earth so for me this blog is extremely important what the President of the United States saying we're going to face the next two weeks many will die and no one's guaranteed  with this unseen virus ,So I'm stocking up I'm hoarding and I don't normally like clutter but I'm hoarding as many Souls that I can reach so when I go home, I do believe Jesus will show me the Souls that I've saved the ones on Earth.

For The ones who wear uniforms what's your known for on Earth for will be lost in heaven, It won't be the uniforms you wear on Earth for each person will be shown by their works. I don't tell you this to put fear in  you because fear is of the devil and if this was a sports game he might be winning for so many people are fearful right now but when it comes down to the last quarter the last ending the other team still has a chance to make a ,a score ,a homerun. In the end this game is won by the Lord he will defeat the Devil and it will be seen by all in the SEEN world!!!

 I have a scar on my knee from doing home runs as a child, I tell you this because the scar it's a tiny black mark because I hurt it so much I got tired of cleaning this scar and dirt got embedded but just like your heart and your soul how many times did you get scars from loved ones or how many times have you done something wrong and it Harden your heart….grew hate.  just like the virus can invade and destroy your body, Jesus Christ enters to heal and restore the scars on your soul in your heart if you just ask him yes it’s that simple people! that's simple….I'm going to leave this blog with this…
Once the virus is gone and the young won't recall this just like Polio or as in the days of Jesus we are the Young but and we don't recall this it's just written about in the book The Bible but it did happen the “c” word that came upon the Earth peace Love and most of all protection so go walk in faith that is in the Lord's hands you're ever Supply in salvation so please find a Bible stock up! For if your time is near.

Bigg Faith,  God bless you and pray for everyone  and if you feel you have no time left  right now read the book of Revelations orl have someone read it to you for you will have these gifts for reading that particular book but at least you'll know why this is all happening and what more is to come.

 Products To Stay Safe

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Miracles Can Happen

It is time to learn that Miracles do happen they did back when Jesus walked the Earth and they do today still. Why because God's promises are the same Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, This is written in the Book called the Bible for some have never heard of it. It is the one book you must go to when there are times of trouble but also times of rejoicing. Do you reflect on what has happen to you that is good and give God glory or do you just enjoy it and then another bad moment or incident happens and robs you of your joy? Well the secret is you have to stay consistent and even during those times of struggle or lost, not understanding why your going through what you are going through. Everything is not for us to understand. Trust he has your best interest at heart because he is love and his love formed everyone that walks this planet rather they want to admit it or not. 
It seems so many need prayers answers these days but are you really I mean really reaching out to God and ask him to help you during these times and just listen for his response, Yes I said Listen but not a voice you hear outloud but you will get clues and reminders of things and you know inside it is coming from somewhere well if your gut is bothering you or it won't leave your mind, it is God trying to tell you your answer. God will NEVER ask you to harm another person or hurt someones heart. He truly is about Love and we are to love one another as we love ourselves and if you can't love yourself, Well you should! He didn't mess up on you and in fact he made you perfectly for this life and whatever he has in store for you but we have free will and we can get off his plans if we are not listening and that always seems when disasters strikes. 
Miracles can happen if you open yourself up to God more and more 

If you read this far you are in need of a Miracle and it could be a big one or just a little one you need answer whatever it may be I know if you go to him by just speaking out loud in private the sound waves will release into the atmosphere and reach the heavens. It is music to Gods ears. Oh but some might say I am not worthy I feel awful of things I have done. Laugh at it really because that is the Devils lies to you and he is winning by beating you down, No matter what you did, If you ask God to forgive you, Considered it done. I know this because I am speaking from experience and I have felt ashamed at times but he reminds me even through my trials that he is with me and that if I am patient enough Miracles do happen. May this comfort you with whatever you are going through. 
Lord I lift whoever reads this up to you no matter the day or hour or Country that you show them you are hearing them to restore Faith this world so desperately needs. In Jesus name Amen.
-Bigg Faith

When You Feel Alone

 Your Never Alone .............

When your feeling alone in Today's world know that you are never alone and if you pay close attention you will be shown little signs that will remind you of actually just that!
Let me share a story once that I have on my Channel a time or two because it was such a Big impact in my life. I went through a time I needed to make an important decision and I wasn't sure on how I was going to face these problems and alone. Now I went to bed and had a dream that God held my wrist and knowing I was afraid of heights he had me fly with Angels in all Beautiful color dresses and I couldn't see God himself but You know when you know it is God in your dreams! He ask me to trust him with what I was going through. Then I woke up. Now being young and dumb to not knowing the importance of this dream I do know I failed him in this area but as he does he Forgives us and understands us. Best part God knows the future so he knew I would still fail him but in the same sense it planted a seed in my life to reflect on to share with others my story so you don't miss this chance he may give to you. 
There was another time I was so scared to share a secret but with a push from my Guardian Angel and when I say push I mean actually that I was pushed from behind but with the serious of the issue I knew they wanted me to be release from the prison I put on myself so with that push the words came out and the healing began and this time I listen!
So know your never alone and don't be scared by it but embrace it and enjoy the protection they provide for you. These days we need all the protection we can receive from the spiritual realm. 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Coronavirus and The Doctor who can cure it

There is a Disease going around all around the world that is now the first case  of person getting better from the virus is now sick again with it. We all need to take better action across the globe and lean on the best Doctor out there but do you know who it is and have you heard of the cures he has done in all areas?

"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them was written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."

John 21:25

Jesus is a Gynecologist

And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. 44 She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. 45 “Who touched me?” Jesus asked. When they all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you.” 46 But Jesus said, “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.” 47 Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. 48 Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

Luke 8:43-48

By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised.

Hebrews 11:11

Jesus Is The Dermatologist

Jesus Heals Ten Men With Leprosy

 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee.  As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy[a] met him. They stood at a distance  and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”
When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.
1One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.
 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?  Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

Luke 17:11-19

Jesus The Opthamologist

Bartimaeus was a blind beggar who called out to Jesus for mercy and healing. The faith of Bartimaeus is seen in how he addresses Jesus as the Son of God. While the crowd tells the blind man to be quiet, Bartimaeus just became louder! When Jesus tells his disciples to bring the blind man over, a miracle happens because of his faith.  
Mark 10:46
Jesus Guides The Doctors 

Friday, January 31, 2020

Feel Like Your Missing Something ? Well You Are ...

I am The RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE; all lasting Life emanates from Me. People search for life in many wrong ways: chasing after wealth, trying to deny the inevitable effects of aging. Who turns toward Me. As you come to Me and take My yoke upon you, I fill you with My very Life, This is how I choose to live in the world and accomplish my purposes this is also how I bless you with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory. The Joy is Mine, and the Glory is Mine; but I bestow them on you as you live in My Presence, inviting Me to live fully in you.

Bigg Faith Here and" he is laying it on my heart today to tell you he loves everyone in this world and he adores us but how many our adoring him today? If you don't believe follow his trail he has left for us and read his messages for each of us, and stop hating each other and start being more honest, more loving and slow down and feel your spirit that makes your body move and find rest in peace in him even if you have nothing to give or receive this holiday season know he is saving for you in heaven rewards for your faith and don't be sad today for you have the gift of life which is what you make of it no matter what you own or where you are at in this life, if you carry Joy in your heart you will bring riches to you that you may not even being aware of that you already how can you receive more from him if your not seeking.....ITS A FACT NOT A FICTION RESEARCH"
-Bigg Faith With Jesus Calling Reading and what he laid on my heart.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How To Hear From God

How you ever wanted to hear God and/or You think you do but to scare or doubtful to believe you did? Well I can relate and I have my experience of hearing him and it is our job to share our experiences so others will know how to hear from him and if you do sometimes it can seem insane in what he will ask you to do. I do know by doing what he ask of you , you will always get the answer from him and maybe learn as well by helping others in this world is his number reason he speaks to us so we can bring many to him so they to can understand and why it is so important to. 
Dedicated to Sam a young mother and to her family for they are grieving her lost. Oh though the world did not know her , Her words I will share and Maybe together we can bring others closer to Christ. Here is the message God gave me to give to her and as you listen to it know he loves each and everyone of us the same. No one is perfect but you must have love for him as well because God is Love and Love is God.  He is father to all, as a father teaches you right from wrong for your safety on earth so does God your father in heaven to teach you right from wrong the big wide path to the narrow path ...Which is the one you should take because in the end it will lead to bigger pastures. if you know the song sing along, don't worry about not sounding good, as you can tell I can not but I worship him with all I have and do not worry of others. Lets celebrate a life even if you do not know her but lets share this message so others may here of him. 

You must pray with belief 

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