Refuel Your Faith In Today's Times when things seem like everything is going wrong or world news is showing so many countries having problems Man made or Natural. Learn how and why these things are happening in Today's times so you may have faith to move forward when sudden news shakes up your world, Have peace through storms and trials in your life.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Hi everyone around the world! I am sharing my mistake because, It has been put on my heart to do so because, we are to share our pains and trials no matter what they are and here is my story for this week on a more personnel level.
Do you need to see Tangible Proof to be a believer in What Christians Believe in? I do not pass judgement on anyone, I live for Christ and my Family, I make mistakes but own up to them no matter how hard it is to realize and admit my faults. My sins of this world is no greater than yours...We all live by the flesh but I am begging for you to live by the spirit. Walk with ME in my faith. No matter who you are married to or race, or religion you are now. We all can have a relationship with Jesus and learn how to hear his voice. He will speak to you. Have faith as size of a Mustard Seed. Please ...The time is now rather than later.....I will not stop sharing his words...No Law No Person No Place will keep me silent....Jesus ask us to do this.....Not just me....Help me help him share the word to the world please just share this....May God show you his GLORY today. Know you are loved...
Worship with me shut the door , Raise the sound, Give it to God
Monday, July 8, 2019
Earthquakes and Volcano's Having Activity Are We Living In The Last Days?
Friday, July 5, 2019
Met A Stranger Today.....
I sat down and there was a young woman half my age well maybe little over half and was taking her nephew out to have some fun time because they are growing up fast due to the Mother being ill.
I must say I was taken back by the young lady and how she shared with me her faith and that her father is a Preacher who has never been on the payroll at his church that he was an older parent as well for someone of her age. She shared this and I recall my Father and Mother being older. I also felt compelled to tell her that she should get into blogging and try to reach others as well and help her father out with the Social Media of sharing Jesus words. She got up and said you know what I need to do this my Mother waited years to do what she loved sharing about God so I am going to start now. As for me I realized that even I can not see at times when we are focus on our kids and other life issues that you have to handle that Jesus saw us sitting on a bench and he was there among us looking back now guiding us to share our faith in a public place that most are not allowed to in today's times. What a beautiful moment with a young lady at age 20 who believed in waiting for Marriage. How refreshing that there are still people who wait for The I Do especially in Today's times where it is all about Sex anywhere you look on TV or in Magazines or just walking down the street showing to much. Just refreshing.....
After that happen My daughter wanted to go back to the water so as we sat down. My daughter notice a lady in a shirt that our church gives out. I notice the couple was debating about getting in the water when I mention, We go to Faith Promise and of course I just assumed she got it when attending a service. I felt bad because it was 3 sizes to small to be honest and she said oh someone just gave me this shirt. I said well it is a good church and told her it is come as you are that you can just be you and come there and listen to the word and she said oh really and that got her asking location of church and so on. So once again Jesus was working today and my blinders were on but because I am aware of him I realized the moment we were sharing. I share these moments with you because I know we all need to share our faith more than ever even if yours is the size of a Mustard Seed because in the end it will grow to be the biggest Faith you ever thought you could have and just like the Tree grew so will your faith. Just start somewhere....Lord Jesus I don't know how all this works but I know you will show me along the way and that I accept you as my Lord and Savior and believe you died on the cross for my sins. Tell him anything on your heart and you will see him move. I also must warn that there are still bad times that will follow but it is during the times your Faith becomes stronger.
I had my Mustard Seed Cross on that you can find on the right side of this page. I am making them to help keep this blog going. If you would like to order one , I will shipped it out anywhere. If you like to Subscribe at the Bottom of the page for update.
-Bigg Faith
Pay Attention To Your Surroundings You Never Know Who You Can Impact Or Be Impact
Prayers For All Who Are Somewhere There is No Freedom and Children Being Hurt In Public By Others so Many Things not in The news.......Prayers for This Pastor who raised his daughter to be the young lady she is and that he is going to grow with God's blessing and Prayers for you reading this for anything that is on your heart. Lift it up to him for he knows I am praying for you all.
The Church I attend can be found online as well here
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Happy 4th of July For All Countries ....Freedom Didn't Start by Our Servicemen & Women BUT with Jesus
Hi Everyone, Bigg Faith had something on her heart by Jesus and therefor I must share it, I know I am an American but this is not for just for American's but this message is for everyone, Freedom is a great time to celebrate the 4th or maybe another day in your country and maybe not at all due to the Some Governments are not truly for the people but Jesus is....Do you know this because Jesus died for everyone....Not just the Jewish People but for you and he is wanting everyone to know that he is waiting for you to come to him.
I learn right along with you with my walk in Christ as I share readings and world news. I do my research and when I read in the Bible last night I was amazed that we have had almost all signs to come to past for his arrival back to us to call us all home. He has signs for us and as some countries enjoy a solar eclipse and the earth is darken it is written that the signs will be in the Moon and Stars and so many other ways which is all written in the Bible. What I learn is yes we have gone to war and rumor of wars but that also the last thing is when the entire world will know about him and hear his message....Well I heard this and thought that is actually what is happening if your reading this in another country ...that the Internet is now sharing his word all across the world but time is limited because truth be told the internet was not meant for this but it is how it came to be as of right now for right now. So knowing this knowledge as you now is time to walk with him. Don't feel silly or scared he has been with you all along and I give you my channel here when you watch this video but at the same time on my channel is other People, Pastors, News that will educate you in a deeper way than I can, I am just one small voice and If I could sing I would be singing it lol ( Laugh Out Loud) but I Can't so I record for you being shy in front of the camera in hopes of saving your Soul. Please I am not alone in believing this world can't keep going like it is and that He will be back because his word is true and forever will be and he is coming back to get his BELIEVERS, and your faith can be a big as a mustard seed. What brought you to this page I would love to know if you need prayers look at the right of your sidebar and request them, I will pray to God for you and with you. Check it out below. Celebrate within of your Freedom in Christ....Take those Chains OFF!
-Love you Meet you in Heaven One Day Bigg Faith
I have made Cross Necklace with Mustard Seeds to Remind You During Trials To Keep The Faith For A Donation of $7.77
Fits All and Can Change Length!
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Bigg Faith Sharing When You Worship Me In Video along with Plagues and Disasters in the News
Order your Cross with a Mustard Seed on it and when face remind yourself that you must carry Faith at all times in our Lord Jesus Christ. I will ship it to you and it is adjustable. Mustard Seed Cross
On 7-2-19
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jesus words,
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mustard seed cross,
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Saturday, June 22, 2019
Nostradamus or Revelations Predictions..... Which One Do You Tend To Believe First?
The Great Nostradamus is Known For His Predictions,Yet Some Don't Want To Believe Peter or Any Other Book In The Bible ......Revelations is Much Like Nostradamus But It Is Angles Future Stories Told To Profits....Which Will Come....
Are You Ready?
Do The Research, it is important for your future and not the one on Earth...Not your retirement invest in but your eternal life, it cost nothing but time....
Free Books I Found For You
boble reading,
end times,
gay pride,
gay relationships,
straight pride,
United States
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Jesus Loves All Stop Hating Focus On Why We Are Having Tornados, Floods, Earthquakes and Hate!
With all this hate going on in the world it is time to spread some Love!
When others think God hates them including the photo below, you know that if you just ask Jesus and say his name he will be there because he is still with you until your last breath waiting for you to speak with him. You may not think so but it is so!
I am a sinner because the flesh is hard to control at times and I will never be perfect as hard as I try and I might even commit sins I am unaware of because no one knows the whole truth but Jesus and he knows my heart these days and he knows when I took his name in vain how sorry I was and because he lives in all of us waiting...He felt my tears when I apologize to him and you can do the same. Do you find yourself with anger? Do you hate others? You must let go of all that and ask Jesus to show you the truth before it is to late. Do believe in other Gods and think Jesus won't befriend you and teach you the truth or are just scared to really hear the truth...don't be, because the truth will set your soul free. I have my video on here and also Pastor Paul Begley with The news. Please watch so your eyes may be open you can have eyes that do see and ears that do hear.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
The Lost Books Of The Bible and What People Just Don't Know....
The Lost Books are some of my favorite books that were supposed to be in the bible but were taken out some of my favorites are The Wisdom of Solomon and The book of Enoch is my all time Favorite of them all because, Enoch was the only one to walk with God and God enjoyed Enoch so much that he took him to Heaven and did not ever die but there will be two witnesses that come back before Jesus does in his second coming and one might very much be Enoch because, Everyone will have to had passed on and with that being said lets get a little deeper! Some of the books discuss things that we would just not understand or even the Christians who have never read them would start to wonder about things that we were taught. I was raised Catholic and try other Religions but, when it comes down to it and you learn that it is not about ANY Religion not one is more special than the other but it is about Jesus and in fact it states The God (ABBA) is God of ALL Gods so there are other Gods but we attack each other for what we believe in and I am trying to make others see that we can not point fingers at anyone or hate anyone because you do not know the whole Bible or even part of it if you never even pick it up to try to understand and truth it is time our time is running short with sharing about Jesus truth be told and you if really spent more time researching about your Savior all ours Savior .....He was made of flesh to die for sin and my sin is no greater than the next sin.. but I know this ...So I do not judge or hate others for what They believe in. We have so many Activist in this World right now it is becoming redundant. People hating on others because they love the same sex or don't love the same sex there are straight movements now and gay pride movements when bottomline is if you eat Pork or a hooved animal which boy oh boy I am guilty of or if you even look at someone with lust is a sin so honestly ....who is free of sin? No one and in fact I am pushing it right now but I listen to the book of Thomas and Jesus was pretty much like my second child, you know the hyper one and one getting in trouble all the time but just like Jesus she outgrew it.
When you live by the flesh you die by the flesh so all of us including myself have to try to keep our impulses and desires even if its for extra Twinkies not to do it.
Do you know our bodies are supposed to be Temples...? Do you know you have not one but two Angels that stay with each of us ?? So much others are unaware of in these days...I wish I could scream it on the top of a mountain but now days you get shot at or even arrested for preaching the word. What is going on some don't understand but its time to understand...your main purpose on this planet is to go from living in the flesh to living in the spirit while on earth...all our spirits will live on and how often do we get intouch with our souls? I am rambling at this point and will leave you with these videos in hopes you spend a rainy day in doors and instead of watch back to back episodes of your favorite show to just not like the ending of it but how about reading or watch the books taken out of the bible and give yourself a great ending of your life by leaving this world with the knowledge you will sure learn about once your gone but wouldn't it be better to meet Jesus before you go to Heaven or Hell which are very real realms and really not that far from us and least gave an effort to understand all this Talk about Jesus? Let's stop hating on everyone and don't be so eager to hurt others or just simply be rude to someone else because, they didn't get your order right! Get over it .....There are bigger issues you are unaware of.....If I had one wish it would for every person on this Earth of all Religions and all Cultures and Beliefs would just get along but we might be past a point of no return but with God anything is possible....God can remove blockage from your life...from another's life from anyone if we only ask him to show you the truth...and the truth will give you a reedom you never knew...Please Subscribe or if needing prayers don't hesitate I am here for each person that contacts me in prayer, I know my post gets read in other countries and I hope you can translate it to learn what I am trying to teach you my friend. There will be more to come as long as I am aloud to keep posting. Please if your like one of the people I mention above with hate in your heart. Please know your not reading this by accident that everything happens for a reason..including this.
Book Of Thomas I am telling you will blow your mind! I am knocking Jesus for being a kid but I feel as if He wants me to share, Call me crazy but When you walk with him you feel pulled to say what your feeling and your feelings come from your heart and your heart is part of Jesus and that is how we are all connected! So when you hate someone...your hating part of you...Read my blog about the Tree and The branches on more of that. My next Blog will be about making fun of other people and their idols...and no I am not for it but against it.
This is How America and I am sure other Countries because of Social Media..How much time we soak up the movies for most, not this Old Gal...I soak up Jesus and trying to learn more about him. I had my binge watching time, I watch Dexter, Hero's oh and Some Welcome Back Cotter or even the Golden Girls but When I realize My world was TV and to heal when I was single from a broken heart since I didn't drink to drown my sorrows I soaked up movies..Yes I was that girl like Bridget Jones Diary Movie but now I am older and wiser but for those who are young and reading this learn from my mistakes and learn more now about Jesus ..Binge watch the Passion of Christ..Books missing...I attach Videos so you may start now to Binge watch :)
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All Images are Real Images of The Heavens AKA the Gods and The Family that went before us! I swear this is the Truth and My Beliefs of the ...