Thursday, January 31, 2019


This is from God's Promises To You and Me Bigg Faith ,Where in today's times you have to have Bigg Faith but it can come in the size of a mustard Seed,  Here is what God Promises Are and some are hard to read because, I have committed sins just like you because no man or woman is free from sin so as you read this, Take to heart as I break it down for you but Tell Jesus your sorry ...When your ready and know your not alone in this that many people need to reflect and look around and see how many people are not truly happy and maybe because we all have a bag of sins on our backs... we need to let go, Well I will stop and let you read his words and then you be the judge if you have follow his commands........Now Then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say. 
Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths. Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng. Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death, 
Proverbs 7:24-27

Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes.
For a prostitute can be had for a loaf of bread, but another man's wife preys on our very life.
Proverbs 6:25-26

Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said. " The two will become one flesh." But whoever is united with the lord is one with him in spirit. 
Flee from sexual immorality. All others sins person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefor honor God with your bodies
1 Corinthians 6:15-20

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness...
And do not give the devil a foothold.
Ephesians 4:22-24,27

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature; sexual immorality, impunity, lust evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of this, the wrath of God is coming. You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator
Colossians 3:5-10

Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap  and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. But you, man of God, Flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love endurance and gentleness. 
1 Timothy 6:9-11

It is God's will that you should be sanctified; that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagan, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. 
1 Thessalonians 4;3-7

" You have heard that it was said, ' You shall not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body  than for your whole body to go into hell." 
Matthew 5:27-30

My son, keep your father's command and do not forsake your mother's teaching. 
Bind them always on your heart;
Fasten them around your neck. 
When you walk, they will guide you; 
when you sleep, they will speak to you. 
For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correctional instruction are the way to life, keeping you from your neighbor's wife, from the smooth talk of a wayward woman. 
Proverbs 6:20-24

If you read it this far , you might want to read more so subscribe to see my thoughts on it or buy it here ON Amazon only $1.49

Don't forget to check out my youtube channel Bigg Faith and Subscribe! 
I like to close this by anyone reading still yet and for those who even attempted to to Bless them Lord with the desires of their hearts that they so need today.
Amen and Thank you in advance.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Antichrist Is Everywhere...and The Clock Is Ticking!

The Antichrist is being against Christ which is already here in the world and has for some time now. People can be against Christ all they want and ignore his calls for them but in the end he will make himself known and in the end if they don't Love Jesus in return then they will miss out on eternity and the life they had on this earth as they once known it will no longer be.
The more I dive deep into the spiritual battle the more I see how out there others are in their faith and yes everyone has a right to believe or worship the way they want but others are so against Christ because they know it is true because their is proof that Christ lived and died for all of us and he left many messages for us in the bible but so many don't read it, I get it , I use not to because I didn't understand it or I felt like I had ADHD because I would never stick to the pages in order because I found myself running words together until I realize I needed to take the time and really read it and highlight and break it down what the messages saids. We have to work on our end to show faith.
I have seen on Instragram actors against Hate and many other disturbing things that are right there in your face.
I love the fact we can share so much on the net but after watching even Television and a show on Television made a big deal some man was living in his car and it was clean and he ate and went to work but because his family didn't like it they had to bring him on a talk show. I could not believe it, He talk about God, and he had peace and was happy but watching this man slowly be made fun of on television broke my heart and I found myself Mad at the TV that they would make such a big deal about him when so many people are homeless and some are living in their cars as I saw just now on my local news as I am writing this. So many people are in so many peoples business and instead of bringing someone up because they live differently then they are just put down in the public's eye. Here is the thing they forget or don't know. Jesus was poor. Jesus was not all fancy up or lived in a fancy place. He was born in a manger ! What would someone say to him if he was back on earth and living homeless? Yes some don't choose to be but that doesn't mean some are not happy and walking with peace, I saw another woman who played spoons and made the best of her life and was homeless. Some people have a home and feel so empty inside... WHAT IS THE SECRET TO BEING BROKE AND HAPPY...I can first hand tell you that the lord gives you peace. He gives you what you need when you wait on him and trust him. More and More people are loosing the faith and not talking about Jesus but about religion and that's all wrong. Yes you can choose to worship even the Devil but WHY when he only has domain over the earth and not the new earth that one day will be. Don't believe it well he created this one why is he not creating a new one which is to come. When will one believe when it is to late? I can't wait that long to try to help anyone who doesn't believe because we are living in times that if the truth is being drown out because no one wants to hear what they are doing wrong including me but we must own up to and try not to do the sins but the most important thing is to just love Christ. ....Before it is to late.

-Bigg Faith just sharing her thoughts to help you or someone reading this have the peace you so deserve and only can get it one way, Through Jesus. Please go on youtube or netflix or even turn to a bible and dive in and learn for yourself before he calls his followers home.  Watch Left Behind which is a great movie or Revelations. I will leave links for you or someone else to check it out. Tick Tock The clock is ticking for his returns all signs are there even though we do not know the day or hour it is everyday closer than the one that past. ...Just say Jesus I want to know you and I want to accept you into my life so please come into my heart and be my lord and savior and show me what I am to do. Show me your in my life ...he will if you believe. This not a Santa story but a real person that died for you. Have you attempted to know him really know him? He is calling.....Christian Rap - Dillon Loving - "spitting some truth"

Left Behind

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tiny Act Of Trust Begins....

Tiny Act Of Trust Begins.....

Really Read His Words To Us and I highlight to break it down to really see the words that are written from him to all of us. I listed my video to this below

LIVING IN DEPENDENCE ON Me is the way to enjoy abundant life. You are learning to appreciate tough times because they amplify your awareness of My Presence. Task that you used to dread are becoming rich opportunities to enjoy My closeness. When you feel tired, you remember that I am you Strength; you take pleasure in leaning on Me. I Am pleased by your tendency to turn to me more frequently, especially when you are alone. 
When you are with other people, you often lose sight of My Presence, You're fear of displeasing people puts you in bondage to them, and they become your primary focus, when you realize this has happened. Whisper my name: this tiny act of trust brings Me to the forefront of your consciousness, where I belong. As you bask in the blessing of My nearness, My life can flow through you to others. This abundant life!

Psalm 18:1-2; Proverbs 29-:25; John 10:10 NKJV
Please Like or Subscribe for upcoming Videos Bigg Faith Video
Trust In You Song , I suggest for you to turn up and listen and if you know the words have some worship time! Trust In You
and one More Big Sam! Big Sam Trust In You
I am Praying for everyone who comes across this post and by the Power of God he works wonders so just talk to Jesus tell him you want to know him if you don't he is right there waiting on you, if your scared to look foolish as I use to thinking others would judge me but I just don't care anymore and Love the Lord so get closer to him , start with a Whisper if it makes you feel better because remember from my other video and blogs that when you whisper his name soothe his ears, most of all never take his name out of vain and if you happen to get weak out of anger then whisper his name over and over !!! I do. 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Jesus is the Artist of Your Life, Today's Reading He Wants You To Know!

LET ME SHOW YOU My way for you this day. I guide you continually so you can relax and enjoy My Presence in the present. Living well is both a discipline and an art. Concentrate on staying close to Me, the divine Artist. Discipline your thought to trust Me as I work My ways in your life. Pray about everything;then leave outcomes up to Me. Do not fear My will, for through it I accomplish what is best for you.take a deep breath and dive into the depths of absolute trust in Me. Underneath are the everlasting arms!

Psalm 5:2 Isaiah 26:4 Amp;Deuteronomy 33;27

From The Jesus Calling Which Can Be Found On This Site

My Video of this reading:Bigg Faith's Video Message of Jesus Calling The Artist


Why Shofars Wail in Scripture and Today: The Exciting Stories and Miracles! Book & Shofar On Amazon Check Them Out!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Whisper To Jesus Instead of Using His Name In A Fight!

These are Jesus's words for all of us

Whenever You Feel Distant From Me, whisper My Name in Loving Trust, This simple prayer can restore your awareness of My Presence
My Name is constantly abused in the world, where people use it as a curse word. This verbal assault recorded. When you trustingly whisper My Name, My aching ears are soothed, The grating rancor of the world's blasphemies cannot compete with trusting child's utterance; Jesus." The power of My Name to bless both you and Me is beyond your understanding. 

Go to the bible which is your basic instructions give to you by the lord before leaving this earth 
bible=basic, instructions,before, leaving, earth
Proverbs 18:10; Acts 4:12 John 16;24

After making this blog, I see saying his name so differently, From the smallest sound of his name Jesus to the highest pitch Jesus, it is soothing to his ears, I have said his name in vain and I regretted it so quickly as soon I said it, but never again can the spiritual world ever get me to say it again no matter how upset we get with our flesh, control your spirit, Please learn from this so we can bring joy to his ears, it is the least we can do for him. Every hit when he was being killed for us, lets give him comfort...Jesus....say it often , no one can stop you no matter where you are in this world, whisper his name and he is there with you and many others are praying for you because we pray for people we don't even know when we are called to do something it is laid on your heart and if you can not stop thinking about it then you are meant to do it, pray on everything which is hard to remember but don't beat yourself up, just get back on the path with Jesus when Life of the flesh pulls you away from him. IN the end it's not worth it, bottomline.

My Youtube Reading of This Message Whisper His Name..Jesus
Book Jesus Calling I read from to purchase Jesus Calling

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Jesus Wants You To Experience This....Plus How does Jesus Really See You

I Want YOU TO EXPERIENCE the riches of your salvation: the Joy of being loved constantly and perfectly. You make a practice of judging yourself, based on how you look or behave or feel, If you like what you see in the mirror, you feel a bit more worthy of My love.  When things are going smoothly and your performance seems adequate, you find it easier to believe you are My beloved child. When you feel discouraged,you tend to look inward so you can correct whatever is wrong. 
Instead of trying to "fix" yourself, fix your gaze on Me, the Lover of your soul. Rather than using your energy to judge yourself, redirect it to praising Me. Remember that I see you clothed in My righteousness, radiant in My perfect Love. 
Always really read and break down his words

Go To Your Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth =Bible
To These Books

Ephesians 2:7-8 Hebrews 3:1 Psalm 34:5
Above read can be found on this website Look For Jesus Calling By Sarah Evans a nice put together of Jesus words left for us and refer to the bible. 
Want to hear me read it while cooking Bigg Faith What Jesus Wants You To Experience
So True For Many

Selfie Mode By: Theresa Biggs 
My Reflection looking back at me though my Selfie Mode
Shows a Reflection that's not quite me, I see familiar eyes, chin and nose
What is this I see but, a glamours me looking back at me
I see a glow that the whole world will see, That is looking back at me
I see different filters of anything I want to be for the world to see 
looking back at me in Selfie Mode 
When the Stickers are off and no filters are on how is the world really looking at me
Is there a Selfie Mode for deep within so Others can see me for who I really am and not be accepted though Filters alone or is it... I who must accept that I can not live in Selfie Mode but love myself for me and not worry what the world see's 
without Selfie Mode

Created So Others know Their Self Worth!

Jesus Knows You Without Filters!

Friday, January 25, 2019

How Quickly He Answers!

Just requested prayer to end The government Shutdown and it is done for now!
Keep Praying!!!

Bigg Faith In Today's Times "Break Down The Wall Of Lies"

Who is tired of all the negative news on television and all the heartbreak around the globe? I know as Bigg Faith I am! I still have to try to keep focus as we all do on the Lord and nothing more or less, because he will provide all, as I write sharing the word, I am by no better off than the ones who are on Government shutdown due to in between classes to teach others a great career that my body has failed me on, so I heard the lord say to me one day if you keep doing what you been doing you only get the same results, and that is exactly why I am writing and sharing all my personal trials with complete strangers, a person once completely private and putting it all out there because we are here to build each other up not tear each other down, This morning my husband and I were talking about how back in the day others would help each other even if they had to ride a horse for days, They made their way to someone, because we need each other in this world, and life is just hard and will have trials but it is those trials you grow closer with the lord, and feel his love through others, and sometimes we all fail for whatever reason, and not even knowing it at times we failed someone that needed us and we had a chance to make a difference, I know first hand I have failed others, but I also know I try to correct my wrongs and make this world a better place. Raised by many but Jesus has taught me everything that is of importance in this world and love is the one thing he wants You and me to know that he loves us and we are not ever going to be perfect, we just can't be, Read the scriptures, God is perfect, we are washed away our sins when baptised not just for show but once dipped you are raised up in the spirit living in you, but he has been all along just waiting for the showing to the world, that you want him in your life, and miracles will happen not as often as we want but enough to know he is there and your never alone, did you know that because we have two angels behind us at all times fighting for us and we all forget if not even know that they are there for us, and if your a government worker struggling right now, it does no good when you hear our hearts go out for you but all some of us can do is pray that soon it will be over and your life can start to be a little normal but with others not understanding that when you live check to check and then you have to get a loan that it is hard to pay it back and maybe don't even plan on it and file ch. 13 which is going to hurt the government in some way but we need that wall right? Did God plan for us to have a wall from each other?  People are suffering all over , not just Americans we are just starting to see a bigger problem with our issues and not just the bigger picture but all over, we try to help other countries or we put our noses in other people business both in Government or in personnel matters and that always turns out ugly, Oh Lord is telling me to say this is not what his father has intended and no christian should agree with this including myself because it sounded like it was a good idea but in my gut it sounded wrong and we keep watching the news but when do we stop be followers of what we are being told and listen to your Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!!!!The bible is your news, your love letters, your songs, your cries all inside of it, yes it is overwhelming and confusing but break it down. Breakdown the wall of Lies, We can fix this big mess if everyone look at each other with love and see we are no better than the next no matter what are title is. Tired of Hate, Tired of Lies, Tired of Truth being to crazy to tell but when we all are face to face with JESUS what are you going to say to him what will he say to you have you thought about it????? Admit now your faults, Its hard I get it , I made horrible mistakes that I share and will continue to share but I am forgiven and no one else's opinion matters but the person I can keep from making the same mistakes so I can help them fight in the spiritual world that is real and we are always under attack why do you think your having a great day and BAM all of sudden the mood changes with someone in your world and changes the day or something bad happens and your fighting to do good even if your family is starving as some government workers are doing, and what about the ones who are accused and serving time behind bars, they are souls also no better than some of theses dentist I have met in my life and I am over not sharing how bad I have seen things in my life but to prove a point that now these men and woman who are someones sons and daughters and more living in a cell who the workers are not getting paid and the tensions are rising and the prisons are not getting paid, What will happen will they starve them or let them all out and so then what good is the wall and it can go on on where does this end. Well Jesus saids with love, The president is in his way showing love for this country for the people in it but that tough love is hurting the very people he does care about but he is not alone it each and every person who votes against it, so where is the love , we need to pray for each person in the white house that controls are lives with votes, what will they say to Jesus? He is the President of all he is our everything and these people including Trump and he to  know of Jesus and have their relationship with him ....but just like myself with my mistakes maybe not effected an entire nation but I had to realize what Jesus wanted and what our father in heaven wanted not worry about the evil actions by others which is caused from the spiritual world but lets pray for their angels to guide them in the right decision lets just pray and love each other and yes once you read the bible and you truly take to heart and see your wrongs because we are have done wrong accept it and try not to live that way but you will fail and you will be attack at times or feels as if you are , only God knows why everything happens and sometimes during those times we grow nearer to him and that's fine but when things are good and they will be again one day , storms don't last forever and this will past but it is during this time how you deal with and the faith you carry is extremely important not just to Jesus but your well being. You may have nothing to your name but have peace and that is Jesus and people don't understand some of us with that peace and why we dance and praise his name because no matter if its rape, abortions, divorce, anger, stealing, doubt , lust, sex, sex, sex does not matter he will deliver it from you and give you peace and fill that empty void that is in your heart. each other , if you have extra ask your neighbor if they are ok, Give to a stranger instead sometimes, out of the blue, I once with little money in my own pocket went to a couple in a car in a mcdonald's drive through gave them 20 bucks because jesus told me to and as I approach the care I saw the young girl gathering coins for her man and all I said was Jesus ask me to give this to you and I didn't share it with no one for a long time because I kept hearing his voice saying its not time, until my son shared he was embarrassed to tell us he gave away something and then I heard him say share your story as he is telling me this now, and like I said I had little myself but they had less and I still made it and I am making it today, you can have such peace if you take all this time you spend with unimportant things are a daily and use a few minutes starting out reading the bible looking up youtube videos which I share many good preachers who explain so much that is going on in today's time on my channel, I am just a stranger trying to share that all this can be fixed with love and truth and Jesus most of all. Let it rain, Open the flood gates of heaven as that song I hear in church, We so need it to rain,Here is some songs and a pastor that I am sharing Song Let It Rain Song Now I know Song Trust In You listen to the words before just viewing with your eyes but the words of these songs, sing to him and give him praise.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Jesus Calling For Today

(For those who never read this blog, These are words from the bible that are from Jesus himself.) I breakdown the words to help new bible readers see how to highlight and write notes in your Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth AKA BIBLE!

I AM YOURS FOR ALL ETERNITY.  I am the Alpha and the Omega; the One who is and was and
 is to come. The world you inhabit is a place of constant changes-more than your mind can absorb without you going into shock. Even the body you inhabit is changing to prolong youth and life indefinitely, I, however, am the same yesterday and today and forever.
Because I never change, your relationship with Me provides a rock-solid foundation for your life. I will never leave your side. When you move on from this life to the next, My Presence beside you will shine brighter with each step, You have nothing to fear because I am with you for all time and throughout eternity. 
Go To These Books in the Bible To See Above Words 
(Words In Red Our Jesus's Words)
Revelation 1:8; Hebrews 13:8,Psalm 102:25; Psalm 48:14

Like to read along with me then go here to buy it 

Monday, January 7, 2019

BIRD BOX CHALLENGE what Charlie knew that they did not explain

I Felt Called To Share This 

To Tell You The Blind Fold Is Not Needed Because, Your Blinders Are Already On....Time to see more than you have been.....A Real Life Thriller You Are Already Living....What would you do if you were truly faced with this? Keep Reading I will lead you to what to do like that crazy river they faced so is our path at times but before you find yourself on a crazy river so to speak ... I know what you need to carry with you and it is one thing.........

Before I do, I want to share something right from the bible that shows that some have blinders on right now because in the bible you will find stories that are meant for you to break down to understand just like this movie.....made you stop and think, well at least it did me.

 The Bird Box challenge is not something to joke about at all and in fact The blind fold is not needed if this was to really happen! All you must do is call on the name of Jesus to help you, and YOU MUST SPEAK OUT LOUD REBUKE!

Show faith that you believe in Jesus and also have the peace you will be protected by God and that you are his child and yes bad things happen to good people and yes we loose love ones but it is important to take care of the ones you love and talk about Jesus don't push it under the wrong the subject because you don't want to seem crazy because you will only become closer to him by sharing about him and if you don't believe me then try it yourself, take off your blinders because even in the book there is scripture that the character Charlie should have written down in his book that they never went back to and made Charlie seem nuts.
 Well the way he died he didn't die looking all nuts but courageous by saving others and he knew what he was up against because that evil force they talk about in the movie is The Devil himself because believe it he is Beautiful , because before he was the devil he was an angel and just like we have guardian angels we have angels that try to pull us from Jesus

 The scene when it surrounded the car and the car sensors were going off so do are spiritual sensors go off at times when we know it is not right to do and you must protect yourself with an invisible protection all around you and that is Jesus himself asking him to put a hedge of protection all around you and keep you and love ones safe even ones you don't get to speak to everyday because just like the winds travel and carried the sounds speak those words out loud to protect your love ones and homes with all these disasters going on and try your hardest to do right ,,, no one is one if not a thought then a look or an action... pray for forgiveness and don't soak on what you did wrong. Love each other, in the movie some try to do the right thing and the other person was evil pretending to be sweet like the man who killed almost everyone in the house at the time of birth. We don't know who is real at times and just like in the bible your basic instructions before leaving earth you must ...I repeat you must read it and understand it and break it down by it saids a wolf in sheep's clothing and it also states they have eyes but do not see and ears that do not hear. You must open yourself up to him.

The 5 G 

Oh yes this is true look it up there is radiation coming from them and wi fi in schools have been causing kids cancer. All this late and great stuff including the microchip is all evil and we must use it for the greater good. Oh what evil man you must be saying this lady is crazy but look it up in revelations that the mark of the beast and compare it to the movies that they are conditioning yourself for. Research just like Charlie and you will see with your blinders off and all you need is Faith...That is it just faith but there are times your Faith will be tested and you won't want to believe and that is when you should the most, when you feel or think of someone you care about pray for them right then and there and Jesus will show you he heard you but you must keep the faith because you must show him you are dedicated to him because wouldn't you want that respect and glory when you given life to others and gave your life for others, We are to Respect him and Honor him all our days and the best that we can. There is proof that you may research and books that are missing out of the bible just look it up for yourself. Read Revelations if you really need a thriller because it is one that is real and maybe bird box is just preparing us for what could come because so much comparison to the book of revelations such as 5 years it took her and there is a 7 year period in the bible and also the beauty they kept saying it was and how The devil is beautiful, Boy and Girl...Then Charlie and his book and what he study and not at a college...hint hint...Open your eyes. There is a reason why they did not show others praying and rebuking in the movie. Take it for what it worth but whatever you do PLEASE TAKE THE BLIND FOLDS OFF
Clint Eastwood and The Actors did a great job bringing you into that movie but I would have loved to see the truth be shared in how they all ended up defeating it who knows maybe they will make a part II.

What Ever You Do Save Yourself!

If you have not seen it find it on Netflix only $7.99 a month but First month is free!

Link Above is for a Pray Shawl You do not need a blanket!


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